posted on May, 13 2005 @ 03:44 AM
As I was growing up, many of my young friends ended up getting pregnant. Now, what does a 13 year old do when she gets pregnant? Hmmmm. I know, why
not get an abortion? They are not too expensive, you don't always have to get the permission of your parents, and hey, it's legal.
I have many friends who have had abortions once, twice, thrice...... I mean, one girl I knew and was friends with had 3 abortions by the time she was
17. The first was at the age of 13. When she got pregnant, all she did was come up with a few hundred bucks, went to Planned Parenthood, and va wa
la, problem solved. And if it worked the first time, why not the second and third time too?
I know that there are a lot of people out there who are pro choice, and this thread is not even about that issue. What this thread is about is are we
making it too easy and too acceptable to get abortions? Should we put stricter regulations on it? Maybe counseling with the whole darn family shoudl
be required first to explore the options besides aborting.
I mean hey, if these girls knew they were going to have to drag both their parents into the whole affair they might pick up a condom or get on the
pill instead. And yes I know that a girl can still get pregnant while using either forms of these contraceptives. But would there be as many? Nope.
I grew up with quite a few girlfriends, and only one other girl besides myself have never gotten an abortion. The others had on average of two each,
some even more. I mean come on, this can't be right!