posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:00 PM
Hey. Not sure if this is the place to post this, but it seems the closest... anyway on with my idea.
Well, I realise there are probably many thousands of flaws with this idea, but I thought I'd share it anyway!
I had the idea that perhaps rather than disposing of waste here on earth we could let space deal with it. I don't mean throw it all out the earths
atmosphere and let it drift about freely! Wot I am on about is as follows:
We load all our rubbish onto spaceships, either as 'cargo' on human manned ships, or specifically designed 'garbage' ships. Then we launch them
into space.
Then either one of two things happen:
1) once in space the ship is directed towards the sun, and a short burst of power is released proppelling th craft towards the sun where it will burn
up disposing of our rubbish in a non polluting way.
2) cargo can be unloaded and propelled towards the sun. As the ships will not need to stop only a small ammount of fuell will be needed to get them
going on their journy to the sun.
So what do you think? I haven't thought it through properly, but I recon it could work! The crafts wouldn't need to be complex in design as they
would never need to re-enter the earths atmosphere or carry large ammounts of fuel, so they wouldn't be as expensive!