posted on May, 11 2005 @ 09:54 AM
I don't understand why people.. like for instence.. THE AUSTRAILIANS themselves.. stick together and tell the Indonisaian governement that there will
be hell to pay if they put one of their OWN through that #. I just don't understand it man.. people don't stick together and its just sick.
I would start a huge boycott of Indonisia (for austrialians) and I'd tell em that they'll never get another Aussie dollar ever till the girl is let
out to be 'taken care of' at home. Its gross.. really gross... this womens life is over because of draconian drug laws and she didn't even frelling
do it.
Makes me want to plant a frelling bomb there myself. And no, I really don't care who the hell thinks whatever about that comment.
People gotta start sticking togther and its that simple. Goddammitt.