posted on May, 27 2005 @ 04:37 PM
Teach him that wrestling is done by proffessionals, and that it's not nice to hurt people. See, instead of banning it, teach the kid about it.
That's like banning GTA San Andreas because you decide not to teach your kid it is fake, just a game, and that violence is wrong. Sorry, I believe
that the little bastard monkey and the parents are responsible to teach the kid from right and wrong.
Case in point. Little cousin of mine loves GTA, he just turned 13 this year and has mastered GTA SA. Does he go out and shoot people? Steal cars?
No, why? He was taught when little a game is a game, not real. I watch wrestling all the time, him with me, now when he asked me questions about it,
told him the truth. They go to school for this stuff so they don't actually hurt each other. SO does he F5 a Brock Lesnar doll? No, well, he might
if he had one, but that is a doll. Sure me and friends beat each other up, on a trampoline, not mat with thumbtacks or glass or whatever, just having
fun, not trying to hurt each other. We know some moves are deadly, like a piledriver, so we don't attempt them in case we screw it up and paralyze
each other. We were taught that things like that are dangerous.
Now if you decide to not take the time and teach the differnece between reality and game, and that violence is bad, and that wrestling is fake, not my
fault, not Rockstar Games fault, not Vince McMahon's fault, no one's fault if the kid goes out and does something he saw on tv.
BTW, did you know Kane's real name is Glenn Jacobs and was born in Spain? Or you mentioned Shawn Michaels, real name Michael Shawn Hickenbottom.
EDIT Sorry about the rant, it just pisses me off that parents think a kid does something because they saw it in a game or on tv. THEY DIDN'T! If
they had been taught the difference between reality and games/movie/tv then it is your fault, and the little monkey thing that did it. Although I
should say dog, for if you treat them like dogs it works pretty well. Sit heel, come, or if they run away reach in your pocket and then act like you
have something in your hand and they run right back.
[edit on 27-5-2005 by James the Lesser]