posted on May, 10 2005 @ 01:50 AM
Hello to you all i am keodras, to me the grammar and what not need not apply to me as its something i wont be able to help anyway...if you dont like
the way i type then well im sorry but thats tuff i dont change till its for what i am well thats not easy to say i will just state that
im a warrior that looks for new techniques from all types, wether or not you think it can be done or cant be well thats not important to my kind we
look for techniques and of the last ones we got we have completed all the hard ones and now work on the more easyer ones(at least thats what they
thought)... we mostly crave any types of techs(techniques) from psi,ki/chi, and kinetics style (Eg:cryo,pyro,bio) any techs will be thanked for even
if they seem like they just fakes or undoable (eg: Ki ball thing)..since im not good at intros realy, infact talking in this language is rather
anoying but its the only one i know that you guys can understand, i think i will stop there