Originally posted by drogo
the fact that other countries may want to have nukes for themselves is perfectly understandable. why should nukes only be alowed to SOME
It is perfectly understandable for a deranged lunatic like Kim to have nukes? This is as absurd of a statement I have ever heard. Thats like saying
convicted felons, such as kidnappers and rapists should be allowed to carry firearms. If you can`t see the difference between a nation like the US
holding nukes and N Korea having them you are blinded by the partisan politics that seek to divide sane rational people.
Originally posted by drogo
oooh crazy kim wants to have nukes, how is this any differant than blasting bush haveing them? it seems that some are worried that if others have
access to the same weapons that they may have some new compitition. after all it's rather hard to threaten a nuke strike when one has the capeability
of fighting back.
First off, Bush did not create the US nuclear program. We had nukes long before Bush was in office. The difference, let`s see, mabe that in the US you
are held accountable for your actions and therefore you won`t see our military nuclear striking anyone with the exception of a nuclear launch against
us or one of our allies. In N Korea if Kim decides he wants to nuke Japan or California there is no one in that country capable of stopping him. He is
a dictator and cares nothing about the world or his own people.
Originally posted by drogo
nope if nk wants nukes let them have them it is only the best way to have equality on the global scale. no one should be alowed to have such an
advantage over others. that can only lead to more wrongs committed by those who hold the power. in fact nukes actualy make for one hell of a deturant
to attacks.
[edit on 8-5-2005 by drogo]
Right, we will all be equal if everyone is holding nukes. Sorry your irrational thoughts on this subject are just mind-boggling.
Who will stop N Korea from selling these nukes to terrorists who want to do harm to my family and neighbors here in America? Are you as anti-American
as Bin Laden? Seriously, do you know the stakes here?
To everyone who hates Americans and or Bush:
I`m sick and tired of being accused of being the world`s bully. I have seen what can be best described as phsycological warfare from so many of the
ATS users. I love my country as anyone should love their own, with the exception of some who don`t have it as good. The arrogance that is generated
and spewed at the patriotic few on this site is completely sickening.You all know who you are.
It is complete and utter madness to continually try to knock the American people and their president. If you don`t like Bush, thats fine and I respect
that, but he will be in office for four more years because the majority of Americans voted for him.Yea, it was close but Kerry lost, GET OVER IT! If
you don`t agree with his actions then speak your mind in a manner to express an alternative method of action, don`t just attack if you haven`t an idea
of your own. All this negative energy helps no one. It hurts you most as it puts much strain on your health.
When has the US ever threatened anyone with a nuke? To my knowledge this has never happened and I think the only way it would happen would be in an
act of self defense.
The US has and will be a strong standard for justice, civil liberties, equality and freedom for a long time to come. We stand up for what we believe
and back up our allies whenever needed. Why did so many American soldiers die in Europe during WWII? We were attacked by Japan and that was a
seperate front during WWII. But why did we go to fight the Nazis in Europe? Was it for oil? Was it because we were bullies? Its because we do the
right thing. We stick up for our fellow human beings when such atrocities are being committed.
Now we are fighting for people`s rights of other nations and my brothers and sisters are dieing and bleeding and getting blown the f up because of the
global threat of terrorism. These alqueda bastards took it to MY doorstep on September 11th, they killed people I knew and loved. So my president with
the help of many other intelligent people decided to take the fight to their neighborhood. To date no terrorist attacks on American soil. That was
the plan.
Lets shrink the equation down a bit and let me ask you like this:
If someone blew up part of your house and God forbid killed members of your family, would you (a) wait for them to come back so you could kill them or
(b) go to their neighborhood and kill them?
I would choose (b) because now my family isn`t involved its just me and them. Thats my main priority in life the ultimate safety of my own family.
Thats what the US is doing on a much larger scale.
Not to mention liberating the Afgan people and Iraqi people so that they can run their own countries and ultimately our boys will be back home. We as
a nation had no choice. We can`t just sit back and wait for them to strike again, we have to beat them yesterday. Time is not on our side.
So now back to N Korea. The major problem with Kim having nukes is HE will sell them to terrorists. This is fact. There is no denying it. If he is
allowed to be treated as equal as the rest of the civilized worlds there will be grave reprocussions. He is not to be trusted with this world
reforming technology. He will threaten to use them if he has them. When was the last time Great Britain or France or the US has threatened anyone with
nukes? You can`t compare nations like N Korea or Iran with the rest of the civilized world.
The US is a very powerful country with resources to change the world whether in the interests of our own people or the innocent civilians of other
nations. With great power comes great responsability. We cannot stand idle by when we have the power to make a difference for all of humankind.
Let the hate spewing commence.