posted on May, 8 2005 @ 12:59 PM
China has no know defensive system that is capable of destroying a long range ballistic missile. It is doubtful that they are even close to having
the technology to do so. Any conventional system requires outstanding radar that China doesn't have (It is much harder to track a small, low RCS
object a few hundred miles into space than an aircraft, especially with chaff/penetration aids/ecm), solid rocket technologies that they do not have,
guidance systems that they do not have, etc.
Russia has had a system for years around Moscow that uses missiles with nuclear warheads to intercept incoming missiles in space/the upper atmosphere.
The US used to have a system very similar to that around Grand Forks ND - but it was scrapped when the US decided that the EMP effects from the
interceptors would be just as harmful as the incoming soviet warheads.
The US system is technologically WAY ahead of anything the rest of the world has attempted - hence the time it is taking to work out the bugs. Also,
the US would be able to detect a cruise missile attack on it's mainland radar stations well in advance of any attack (Cruise missiles are slow and
most are not stealthy), and could likely shoot them down before they reached the mainland. You would probably be safe in assuming that (once online)
the ABM radar systems will be some of the most heavily defended areas in the world...