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posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 07:09 AM
Good Morning,
Could be today,'you better stop look around, whats that sound, it's just your 19th nervous breakdown' said the Stones.

LONDON (Reuters) - An audio tape purportedly of top al Qaeda official Ayman al-Zawahri warned the United States on Sunday it would pay a high price if it harmed any of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

The voice on the tape, broadcast by the Dubai-based Arabic television Al Arabiya, also told the United States that the "real battle" against it has not started yet.

"We tell America only one thing. What you have suffered until now is only the initial skirmishes. The real battle has not started yet," the voice said.

"Let those who conspire with America know that America is incapable of protecting itself...and let every captive held by the infidels be assured that the day of liberation is soon...," it added. etc.......................

the whole heart pounding story is here

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 12:25 PM
The Bush administration will probably LOVE that tape, since they rely on terror to keep control of the masses.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 08:27 PM
Thank you Aslala,
I wonder how many Islamic Radicals there were in the U.S.S.R.
before it collapsed and they all scatered??




before the






JANUARY 24, 2000

" Mr. Scarborough. No. I'll just be brief, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you for holding this hearing. I certainly thank
Congressman Campbell for being here and the leadership he's
shown in this very important issue, not only to all Americans
but again to California specifically. I think of all the people
that have come before our committees and I think of all the
people that have come before the Armed Services Committee, of
which I'm also a member, I think most everybody understands
that the battles of the 21st century will not be fought on
battlefields in Europe or in Asia but for Americans, we may
find them being fought here at home. And certainly if that's
the case, then California, specifically Los Angeles, CA, will
be on the front lines in battles that involve terrorism, be it
nuclear, chemical, or biological. That's why again I thank you
for your leadership."

and as to nuclear suitcase bombs!

" In the Mitrokhin files, he documents that there are States
in the United States where these devices were prepositioned.
Specifically mentioned in the files are California,
Pennsylvania, New York, Montana, Minnesota, Texas. And he
further states that they are near pipelines. They are near
ports. They are near major public infrastructure locations. All
of this is in the KGB files. Now, this is not the main content
of this book. Because the KGB files were expansive. Only a very
small portion of this book dealt with the location of these
devices. So for those who say come forward and give us one, we
can't. But when I had Dr. Andrew who's, by the way, a Russian
security and intelligence expert at Cambridge, one of the
leading tenured professors at Cambridge University so much so
that when Mitrokhin received his ability to live in England by
the British intelligence service and the British Government,
they went to Cambridge and they went to Dr. Andrew and they
said would you work with Mitrokhin and help to prepare these
files in an organized way. That's why the book came out."

" This is a device that would be typical of a 1 to 10 kiloton
device. To give you a comparison, Hiroshima was about 15 to 16
kilotons. This would wipe out downtown L.A., would wipe out the
hotel where I'm staying, where we're all staying, and all the
buildings around. If you put this kind of a device in a
stadium, it would kill 50,000 to 75,000 people. This device can
be carried by one person. This is the device. We're talking
about a uranium-fired and uranium-fueled device that would
basically be encased inside of the metal pipe that would have
the appropriate activation devices along with it. And the
design is actually contained in the top of the briefcase.
Now, do we think that these devices are in fact buried in
the United States? We have no way of doing that. But this is
exactly what the Soviets had in mind. And according to the
specs available in the public domain which we can provide for
the record, Dr. Pry can assist in that effort, this is what the
Soviet Union can't locate.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Burton. Thank you for that outstanding presentation.
Now if anybody's hair is not gray, we'll turn to our
colleague from California, Mr. Campbell, for an opening



Here is a little bed time story for you, pleasant dreams


posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 08:09 AM
posted on 4-8-2003 at 06:32 PM Post Number: 134393 quote report

The HAARP transmission profile in the past 48 hours matches what was observed pre 911.

Steady build up (pre 911, Gakona was completely offline, or the data was erased, most likely, however all the others were functional, and Anchorage in particular was absolutely nuts from 9/8 back to about 8/26) followed by complete flatline calm for 72 hours....

We have had a steady build up since 7/26, and all magnetometers went flatline yesterday....

The only difference is that the build up was at least an order of magnitude above and beyond what happened 911....

Its going to be BAD...

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by m0rbid
The Bush administration will probably LOVE that tape, since they rely on terror to keep control of the masses.

They don't rely on terror

They CREATE terror

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by tututkamen
This is the device. We're talking
about a uranium-fired and uranium-fueled device that would
basically be encased inside of the metal pipe that would have
the appropriate activation devices along with it.

And i bet Bush comes up on stage after detonation, wipes away a tear and points his fat finger over to north korea and mumbles texas slungs

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 10:08 AM
Just an idea but if you truly believe something major is going to kick off, lets all make some money.

Just spreadbet that the DOW/Nikkei/Hang Seng are going down - sell them.
You'll have to get in before 'it ' happens though because they usually close the market once they have got their bets/sales/options in place.

[Edited on 5-8-2003 by johnb]

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 10:19 AM
and then the FBI have full rights to feed you with all kinds of truth telling drugs, interogate you, pump your anus and see if theres any secret films you've been hiding there ... ouch

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by johnb
Just an idea but if you truly believe something major is going to kick off, lets all make some money.

Just spreadbet that the DOW/Nikkei/Hang Seng are going down - sell them.
You'll have to get in before 'it ' happens though because they usually close the market once they have got their bets/sales/options in place.

[Edited on 5-8-2003 by johnb]

DARPA has allready come up with that thought, and the DoD tried to implement it on the Futures Board of the Stock Exchange. However the sensitivity of the U.S. population over ruled this gambling game.
To bad I could have made my fortune on that one!
Pork Bellies just ain't for me!

Tut Tut

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 06:57 PM
these reports mean very little to me

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:06 PM
If these reports are true - then what DR said about HAARP and it going flatline before terror attacks, may be true. These 2 things tie in with eachother, it is a shame.

Til then,


posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by spyD
these reports mean very little to me

They are false and make belive, all the quotes and references are made up. Have a very good night sleep. No one here ever meant to worry you

God Bless and Pleasant Dreams



posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by WeBDeviL
If these reports are true - then what DR said about HAARP and it going flatline before terror attacks, may be true. These 2 things tie in with eachother, it is a shame.

Til then,


All of them are largely flatline. I notice that Yellow Knife is missing a large section of information.

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by dragonrider

All of them are largely flatline. I notice that Yellow Knife is missing a large section of information.

Again, more info to keep me indoors tomorrow. Well, I was doing that anyway to hang out with the infant.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 10:32 AM
Relax folks you've got 3 more weeks

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