posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 08:35 AM
Yes, actually; a 6 year old. My sister. Why may i ask?
Note Asala's post and thread. You may have poltergeist (please ignore the movie
) activity in your house (poltergeist meaning "noisy spirit").
I say this due to the displacement of objects. The "presence" you feel, may be due to latent psychokinetic activity on the part of your sister.
Examine whether or not any of this activity occurs when she is not in the house. Also, whether it occurs when she is in an emotional state/upset,
It's possible there is also a combo effect, of the girl's energy, helping an entity that has always been there, to manifest at least partially.
(This didn't seem to be the case in Asala's instance, but could be so, in yours...due to the "local" (not going upstairs) area of the
It's also possible that this is an actual haunting/shadowperson, etc. instead...but having personal experience with poltergeist phenomenon, things
like missing keys, misplaced objects, are par for the course. You may even see the locations of these objects get progressively stranger (I would
find my shoes in the oven!
) with time... But, if a poltergeist phenomenon, it will eventually pass...
By the way, if it is just a ghost...I wouldn't be too freaked about it... I've lived with one for a while now. Aside from going up and down the
stairs once in a while, and a little morning moaning, he's pretty tame... If there haven't been any warnings to "get out" or physical attacks,
it's probably not that aware of you either...
[Edited on 31-7-2003 by Gazrok]