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It's huge, almost perfectly symmetrical and in the middle of nowhere..

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posted on May, 4 2005 @ 07:26 PM
Hello fellow ATS conspirators,

A while back I was caught by the story of "Mel's hole", I'm sure you've heard of it, there are some posts here on ATS if you want to know more.. personaly I don't believe Mel's story but whatever....

The point is that lately I started thinking about the hole....heh....
so I decided to visit and do a satellite shot over the suspect area - east of Ellensburg, Washington..Manastash Ridge area..for fun...

I didn't find any suspect holes but I did however come across a strange pentagon shape seemingly carved into the my 1st thought was farmer, agriculture maybe roads in other words man made.

here's a few screenshots...

the shot below shows the pentagon shape in relation to Ellensburg, Wa.

Now I'm not implying that this is necessarily a secret government base or something like that but It's just a little weird don't you think?

I mean, look at the PS altered shots of the pentagon area, you can clearly see that the erosion of the landscape almost blends in with the surface of the pentagon....but that would mean that someone didn't scrape the surface to make the shape right? (could it be clever camouflage?)

(note: I'm no Photoshop guru so it's possible the ground that I made protruded should really be embedded.....?)

I'm no geologist but I'm guessing if a farmer works their land and breaks down about 6-12" of topsoil...seen from a higher vantage point you would see a smooth man made landscape.

Then again, why would you carve your land in a pentagon shape?
That seems to me an inefficient shape to harvest later? no? corner wise?

Then I found another similar pentagon shape to the north of the present one, seen in the pix:

Seeing that there's some kind of house, farm or whatever type of building(s) on the shape, that would reinforce the idea that it's man made...?

It's quite possible that it's just roads converging, creating the pentagon shape....a racetrack? a quarry?

whatever it is it's huge, almost perfectly symmetrical and in the middle of nowhere.....who knows?

Do you?

If you do please enlighten me


posted on May, 4 2005 @ 07:30 PM
Nice find!!

Goodness knows why they chose that shape for a field...
It does look like they are working most of the land, so its not a "don't go there barrier.

but the shape is indeed odd.....

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 07:32 PM
Actually on reflection it may be a coincidence, its bounded by 3 roads, running North and West, and top right, the other boundaries are the changing land forms, hills in the right. So it just may be a shape defined by the land it is on.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 07:55 PM
Heh, I have an odd thought. This is completely crazy but theoretically,
if there is an invisible building there, it could leave an imprint like that right?

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by cloudx
Heh, I have an odd thought. This is completely crazy but theoretically,
if there is an invisible building there, it could leave an imprint like that right?

He he...Are you by any chance referring to the Pentagon?
I can envision the news headlines: Pentagon goes in hiding

[edit on 4-5-2005 by Quake]

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 01:32 AM
i imagine that the field is being worked along a fenceline, that explains your right angle in the bottom left, it just so happens that the road makes up another side of the shape, you will notice, if all the land will be worked, follow the road line up to the top left of the screen. the road meets the fence.

if it were to be worked, it would no longer be such and such a shape. interesting anyways.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 01:34 AM
This one is quiet strange (well atleast to me).
It 'could' suggest an entrance to underground facilities of some sort but there also seems to be a Pyramid without the top? Reminds me of the 'All Seeing Eye Pyramid.

It's in that area of dry lake which has a lot of bomb testing near Area 51.

Just looks different. Anyone got an idea?

Google Map Link

Edit: Added TerraServer link, confirms a headless Pyramid.

TerraServer Map Link

[edit on 5-5-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 01:34 AM
the more i look at it, the more i start to think... i cannot explain it really.

ill stick with my first guess

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 06:10 AM
Here is your image:

Here is the Defense Department Headquaters:

The main difference is, the Pentagon isn't a solid shape, it made up of five rings one inside of the other. Your image shows a solid shape! B.T.W. the court yard in the middle of The Pentagon is a Heliport. It allows importante members of the defense department to be shuttled in and out at a moment's notice. I don't know what the pentagon shape in the top photo is for, but I can assure you that it is NOT a Defense/Military command center, like the Pentagon in DC. So don't run off with the "Invisible Building Theory" yet!!

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 08:48 AM
Just checked out the teraserver link (thnks TheShroudOfMemphis)
...this is what the shape looks like from the TS viewpoint:

the outlines seem a bit clearer than the previous pix, and would definatly reinforce the idea thats it just an outlined piece of property or as mentioned a result of converging roads and fences...

But still curious as to why.......

- ...would people drive around it rather than just cut thru it?
- ...are no visible structures located in or around it

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 04:59 PM
I don't get it... I am not seeing the pictures you are supposedly posting and your link to Google Maps is to the Home site, not the location you state we should be viewing. This is irresponsible posting and possibly a violation of the ATS rules.

The next time why don't you lock your search down and then post the URL so that users are not sent on a wild goose chase.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Chuck Stevenson
I don't get it... I am not seeing the pictures you are supposedly posting and your link to Google Maps is to the Home site, not the location you state we should be viewing. This is irresponsible posting and possibly a violation of the ATS rules.

The next time why don't you lock your search down and then post the URL so that users are not sent on a wild goose chase.

I can clearly see all the images and the post is pretty interesting in my might easily be something natural but at least we have people here who keep their eyes open on strange things dont ya think?!

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Chuck Stevenson
I don't get it... I am not seeing the pictures you are supposedly posting and your link to Google Maps is to the Home site, not the location you state we should be viewing. This is irresponsible posting and possibly a violation of the ATS rules.

The next time why don't you lock your search down and then post the URL so that users are not sent on a wild goose chase.

I see everything perfectly so why dont you sort your computer out before going on an ill informed rant which is "irresponsible posting and possibly a violation of the ATS rules."

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Flyer

Originally posted by Chuck Stevenson
I don't get it... I am not seeing the pictures you are supposedly posting and your link to Google Maps is to the Home site, not the location you state we should be viewing. This is irresponsible posting and possibly a violation of the ATS rules.

The next time why don't you lock your search down and then post the URL so that users are not sent on a wild goose chase.

I see everything perfectly so why dont you sort your computer out before going on an ill informed rant which is "irresponsible posting and possibly a violation of the ATS rules."

thats hilarious

I remember the 1st time I used a computer...

just in case some other members can't see the pix here's a link directly to the shape on google maps: here

Pic # 1

Pic # 2

Pic # 3

Pic # 4

Pic # 5

Pic # 6

oh, and please don't report me



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