posted on May, 11 2005 @ 01:23 AM
Iv done some research on the beast of gevaudan and there are a few explanations to what it was. As said in here before a hyena was thought to have
been one explanation, but compared with information on the beasts description it doesnt fit in. People said it had a long grey hound like snout and
hind legs larger than the fore legs, so it does partially rule the fact that it was a hyena out, (hyenas have larger fore legs than hind legs and
snout doesnt fit description as well as size). Another theory is that it was a baboon, it is highly unlikely it was at all but the long snout
pretruding fangs and small mane fit into the description of the beast.
The thylacine or tasmanian tiger was also seen as another culprit, it fits the description of the beast pretty well, only its size. Im from Australia
and no a bit on the thylacine and they are way to small to be the culprit of killing two hundred people in france especially (plus Australia was
discovered by or colonised by white men then)
I have read sources on the beast and in one particular it said that the beast was indeed real and was killed and stuffed and left on display in Paris
by King Louis (i dont know which one). What was it then, the stuffed beast went missing apparantly some years later in the renaissance, but the
information said on this site that the autopsy of the animal showed that it was indeed a very, very large wolf of some variety.
My views are that it was a crossbreed between some large friggin dog and a pretty large wolf. I also believe that there was not one but two of them
(maybe more), doing the deeds. Im going by what iv read here on the net but the reports say the beast was shot several times on different occassions
(one wolf cant take that many hard hitting musket bullets without dying). I think they were shooting different hybrids . The beast was also announced
dead shortly, after the the killings were continueing so u can add up there had to be more than one. To the reason why they were killing, many people
believe like the movie someone was making them kill the villagers. I believe the beast's were killing maybe because there food supply was low a
shortage of dear or hare in the gevaudan forest may have forced them to go for something different like a human, like the two african lions who killed
over a hundred railway workers in the 1800's, the beast saw how easy it was to kill the humans they continuously went for the villagers (where pretty
easy to kill unless we fight back, where slower than the deer or hare they were used to hunting, and we cant fly away).
Those are my views but everyone has theres