posted on Jun, 15 2005 @ 12:22 AM
perhaps we should think why he came up with this - he was watching the "booty shakin" and got a wee bit excited his wife enters sees this gets angry
he denies, denies, denies then says wait i can prove how innocent i am i'll draft a law and have it pass prohibiting all cheerleaders from this evil
behavior. viola! what a sham. i agree that some of the routines are a bit risque but it has been that way since i was a cheerleader back in early
70's. i agree with earlier post - are we saying men are too stupid and totally lack any self control therefore we have to have all girls (over what
age?) dress in sack cloths. whatever. people need to be held accountable for what THEY DO not try to look at who they harmed and blame them. and once
again the parents need to be aware i have seen girls as young as 5 and 6 dressed up for cheerleading and doing some very suggestive moves where did
they learn this? from parents and whomever they hired to teach the squad. this law is ignorant and of course as any thing the government does has an
alternative motive.