posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 08:21 PM
Here's a story that will forever linger in my mind. It truely proved to me that this reverse speech deal is for real.
About a year back, maybe less, I was messing around on the internet and came across John Oates reverse speech theory. This webpage to be exact...
Anyways, I go over to my friends (well, former friend now) house and I tell them about this thing I saw on the internet about reverse speech. Of
course, we got onto the computer and started messing around with Windows sound recorder. It was fun for a while, and we heard some things when we
reversed them. (To this day I don't recall what we heard, except for this one.)
My other friend who was with us brought up the subject of the former friend stealing a few GBA games. The former friend denied stealing the game, and
when we tested on the voice recorder the friend that accused the former friend of stealing the games brought up the subject again.
We proceeded to reverse it, and listen. It was about halfway through when we hear the reversed voice of the former friend say "I stole it." When we
played the recording forwards at that moment, it was during the subject of the stolen games.
My friend pulled the former friend aside and asked him again if he stole the games. The former friend began to cry (he was pretty immature, which is
one of the reasons we are no longer friends) and finally admitted to stealing the GBA games.
So yeah, that was my whole experience with reverse speech.