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Earth will expire by 2100

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posted on Sep, 4 2002 @ 04:22 AM
I've just read an ebook, where the writer is claiming that under hypnose, 2500 peoples were claiming " we will be dead in 2100. "

95% " were" dead.
5% " were " still alive, but the whole world "was" destroyed.

I send him an email for more explanations about it. When I'll have his answer, I'll post it on ATS.

posted on Sep, 4 2002 @ 07:14 PM
can we have a link to this ebook or the author?

posted on Sep, 5 2002 @ 05:26 AM
Yes James, you can have it.

This ebook want to tell us that military are behind the UFO's. But I found interesting the Capter 13 about the hypnose study.

Go to chapter 13. You'll find the description of this study in the bibliography.

posted on Oct, 17 2002 @ 09:26 PM
I just read about that study. There were two hypnotherapists doing a study on reincarnated lives--instead of their usual past life studies--and put together a graph of sorts on 4 parallels to future existance. If I remember the 5 % were the ones that were in the 2500AD range. But before that time about 90% of the population was wiped out by some major event. Either nuclear or astronomically wise.
Is that the same report????

posted on Oct, 23 2002 @ 02:00 AM
This study was speaking about peoples in the future, but in 2100 AD, not in 2500 AD.

posted on Oct, 23 2002 @ 01:54 PM
Damn I guess it's good that we will all be dead by then eh.

posted on Oct, 25 2002 @ 10:01 PM
how was the question asked? when under hypnosis people are HIGHLY submissive. as in if the room is 95 degrees and they person asking questions asks "it's awfully cold in here isn't it?" the subject will agree and begin to shiver and show signs of being cold

posted on Nov, 4 2002 @ 04:42 PM
he educated in physics realises that in order to know events in the future one will have to attain a nevative speed which... you cannot even think about.

I think that what was pulled out of their deeper minds in hypnosis was all of the b.s. pumped into them by all those idiots out to create public panic who got their 15 minutes of fame on the news...

More than that I think that hypnosis is b.s., people beleive that they will be hypnotized, and placebo sets in, and they speak whatever their brain confabulates next....

dont listen to hypnosis b.s. guys...

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by anon

More than that I think that hypnosis is b.s., people beleive that they will be hypnotized, and placebo sets in, and they speak whatever their brain confabulates next....

dont listen to hypnosis b.s. guys...

Gee, you are an expert my friend.

Hypnosis is used in surgery in many hospitals. It replace chemicals products, and when your operation is over you are almost "ready to go out ", not like with chemicals products !

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 01:50 PM
I think that the world will be here by 2100. I will be 115 by the beginning of that year. So if medical technology improves, and I'm still alive, I'll know for sure
I don't think I want to live to be 115 though.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 02:59 PM
Well, why should we really care. I know if this does happen it will be a big deal, but hey we'll be long dead by then.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 07:37 PM
But JM, wouldn't you think that working together as a population to *prevent* that would be the goal? Unless you happen to be an only child with no relatives that are supposed to live at that time, you *should* care.

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 10:27 AM
What was the reason the world was going to expire? Because of self destruction by us?
I agree with MD, shouldn't we be trying to stop something like this NOW instead of waiting for it to happen?

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 05:35 PM
The world will not collapse.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:55 PM
Sounds like a Illuminati agent telling lies again.

ABC in the forefront of future stupidity again aired Earth 2100
with they hope to have the success the did with von Braun
and the Moon Landing and are even complete bigger lies.

Las Vegas is perhaps the most survivable town with the most reason
and money and impetus to incorporate Tesla technology
to power all their lights and make rain besides.

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