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The "Benevolent" Visitors

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posted on May, 3 2005 @ 04:54 PM
A few weeks back, I read Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs, and found one bit very interesting. It said that there was a man around during the forties or so (I sold the book to a used bookstore when I was done, so I have to go by memory.) who claimed to be taken aboard alien spacecraft and shown the different planets of the solar system. The man claimed that the aliens were our "friends" trying to help us in our quest for cosmic awareness or something. The man became very famous, and all I can remember was that I think it said he was Polish, owned a hot dog stand or something at the foot of a moutnain. The book went on to say that because of him, the UFO community split into two factions that still survive today, those who followed him and believe that the aliens are benevolent beings trying to assist us, and everyone else. Those who followed the man are usually the people you see as UFO cultists.

I think this is perposterous. In my opinion, the visitors are either neutral or hostile. Does anyone know who the man I am refering to is?

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:00 PM
The man you are talking about is Billy Meier. See the thread by BURSUC we have discussed him there!

Hope i have been able to shed some light

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Earth Angel
The man you are talking about is Billy Meier. See the thread by BURSUC we have discussed him there!

Hope i have been able to shed some light

I'm 100% sure its not Billy Meiers.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:04 PM
Nope, it's George Adamski...

So big a fraud, he makes Meier look credible!

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Nope, it's George Adamski...

So big a fraud, he makes Meier look credible!

That's him, thanks!

Yeah, that dude is worse than Meier.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 07:17 PM
We've done a few expose' threads on him before....if anyone wants to see the details of WHY he's a fraud....

Just search on Adamski....

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 07:43 PM
And, no pun intended, why is it that Meier is such a big hoax ?
How many people here actually read the first two books written on this case ?

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 08:44 PM
From what I understand, Meier started out true and honest. He lost his way with the "help" of those who would seduce, confuse and manipulate him until his name and work became this developed example of absurdity, created for public consumption, for the benefit of wide disbelief.

This is very easy to do to anybody's own ideas and reputation, whether they are publicly known or not, and is a common practice of the immense campaign against alien life and against the public sharing of true information.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by invader_chris

I think this is perposterous. In my opinion, the visitors are either neutral or hostile. Does anyone know who the man I am refering to is?

I'm just curious. Why do they have to be either neutral or hostile.
Why isn't it possible that they, or at least some of them, are actually benevolent?
I would think that at least someone out there, would have advanced both technologically and spiritually and may very well have compassionate, good and helpful intentions, towards our wayward little band that inhabits this planet.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 09:01 PM
Yup EarthSister,you're right..but i was asking the people here,on this forum,since when Meier's has been definitelly proved to be a hoax.These people here are different...they think different.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 10:16 AM

but i was asking the people here,on this forum,since when Meier's has been definitelly proved to be a hoax

Since this thread, perhaps?

It's a long read, but you'll see excellent efforts by BOTH sides, defenders and detractors, ending in a general concensus that he's full of it.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 10:21 AM
Was it the Meier Contract? I thier rep on the Edge Radio last weekend. Personally I think they are fulla it.

Here is the link

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 10:59 AM
Truly benevolent beings would ASK us, openly, what we wanted from them.

Their first step would be, among others, to open normal, respectful, diplomatic relations.

That would include shlepping some of us to their worlds to have an embassy, as they would have here on Earth. Clearly there would be a major gap in technology but that doesn't mean that they couldn't try to be at least somewhat fair and equal.

If they are hear to learn about us---then we deserve to be able to learn about them on our terms. For example, why can't we go there? Why can't we read their books and learn about their histories? If they want to know about us, just ask. We'll let em loose in the British Museum and all the university libraries of the world. I think that would be great. Of course it ought to be reciprocal, and that's exactly what they're not doing.

If there are ET visitors there isn't any evidence to me that they're actually doing anything for "our own good" or enlightenment. If they are, they're doing a bad job of it.

[edit on 4-5-2005 by mbkennel]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by mbkennel
If they are hear to learn about us---then we deserve to be able to learn about them on our terms. For example, why can't we go there? Why can't we read their books and learn about their histories? If they want to know about us, just ask. We'll let em loose in the British Museum and all the university libraries of the world. I think that would be great. Of course it ought to be reciprocal, and that's exactly what they're not doing.

Really interesting question...why can't it happen like this ?
Even if we don't have their technology,is it technology all what defines a civilization ?

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 03:43 PM

Was it the Meier Contract? I thier rep on the Edge Radio last weekend. Personally I think they are fulla it.

Actually, we had his rep, Michael Horn, right here on ATS, as a guest speaker not too long ago....
You can read the Q&A here on the site.

Unfortunately for Billy, offering the following as "proof" really doesn't help the cause....

So much for impressive alien tech!

[edit on 4-5-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 04:31 PM

I'm new here,but reading your posts ( and btw,i will read through that long link you gave me re. Billy Meier) i respect your work (the thread on Hill's abduction) and i see that you have gray,without wanting to open a can of worms or ressurecting "dead" stories like Meier,why do you choose to pick only what it is detrimental to that case ?
I've laughed hard also at those pictures,and not only the laser gun.The wedding cake ship might be another "candidate".But are you aware of the fact that there is a lot more to this case than these ?
Let me ask you another way : Do you think that it might be possible for you to change your mind if somebody else will present this subject from a different angle,with opinions ( or information) taken from previously printed material ?...just answer me yes or no,and then i'll shut up

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 07:36 PM
Meier also had some very remarkable photographs of ET craft hovering among trees, and in the open. I once had a book with this case in it, I lost it long ago.

There may be something to learn from the Meier case. I believe this Horn fellow may be on to something. Meier had made many statements about his 'communications' with the ETs. Many of them sounded pretty outlandish at the time but his record so far is quite surprising.

It has been determined that the nefarious, covert, illegal intelligence groups behind the coverup of the UFO reality will stop at nothing to prevent the disclosure of this information. Despite what you may have heard there is nothing oxymoronic about military intelligence.

These groups frequently employ a method termed as 'DDT' Distract Decoy Trash. The Meier case is a prime example.

'If witnesses have already contacted the Press, it will be necessary to discredit their stories. This can best be done by by the assertion that they have misinterpreted natural events, are the victims of hysteria or hallucinations, or are the perpetrators of hoaxes." (1)

Victim, I believe, is the operative word here.

Billy Meier was hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray.

The photographs you have seen in this post surfaced and violả problem solved.

You see the result, it's like shutting off a light switch.

I think the Meier Case is worth exploring.

(1) MJ-12 Group Special Operations Manual

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 06:25 AM
I think that people like Meier or Adamski, even if they are fraud, do not mean that the message they tried to transmit was.
In fact, there is probably some truth in it.
I feel deeply in my heart, that some of the extraterrestrials are definitevely friendly and attentive. They are waiting the human race to evolve before making any contact. Crop circles are messages from them, trying to wake up our consciousness.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 07:51 AM
Have you been watchin the new star treck series "enterprise" thats what the vulcans where up too, waiting on humans to "catch up" ..... would we be talking about that as a possibility if TV hadnt given us the show. does anyone honestly have proof about anything ET, now I belive that there are other forms of life in the universe, would be ignorant not too. but come on if there are so many aliens... where are they and why only show yourself to a few people who always write books and are then ridiculed. surley if they are contacting some people who they know are going to openly talk about them they would show themselves to everyone.. i for one believe we are not alone in the galaxy but there be no aliens here on earth

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Divergence

I think the Meier Case is worth exploring.

See Divergence,i think the same.Not going off topic,but Meier's ET's looks like they are benevolent.
I am not a Meier defendent,but i read the old books on the case.I have to agree that a lot of his stuff sould is say...fake?hilarious?
Prophecies,predictions (doesn't matter where they come from i don't believe them.We shape our future,and our actions i don't think that they can be "predicted").But i intend on writting something based on a timeline from the stuff he said about other things in regards with the universe and our technological discoveries.I don't know if i'll get around to do it,but i feel that beside a lot of garbage ( generated by Meier itself and others),there is something in his stories,and the beings involved with him are...benevolent

[edit on 5-5-2005 by Bursuc]

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