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Step Two

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posted on May, 3 2005 @ 04:25 PM
Suppose something wonderful happens.

A PR campaign, some sort of public event, something that only settles the matter of us not being alone in the Universe but leaves us with nothing else. The world accepts and is ready to do some things in response.

What should we do afterwards is the central question for this Thread.


posted on May, 3 2005 @ 09:08 PM
Extend a hand in frienship and hope that something, good for all parties, develops.
What is your usual next step after you are introduced to someone you don't know?
Why would it be any different?

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 09:54 PM
It would be nice if it were that simple but I do not think it will be. The natural follow-up to some sort of event would be the US government admitting some level of knowledge.

Personally I think there would be a lot of work to do, the need for a lot of discussion about how the Universe has changed for us. Part of what I hoped to do was take what was generated in this Thread and compare it to efforts different groups are involved in at the moment. I am curious to see how many people have gone beyond the 'What if' and have started to think about what it will take to help people cope.


posted on May, 3 2005 @ 10:14 PM
I think step 2 would be super complicated. I mean is the assumption that we are communicating with Aliens? If we are then I don't want the U.N. or any Government speaking on my behalf (U.S. gov. included). Seems to me the best way is for each and all of us to communicate, 6 billion INDIVIDUAL voices not one on behalf of 6 billion. As a species I think we're to complicated for one person or group to represent. I know that sounds impossible (6 billion indiv. communicating) but it should be the goal. I think we could achieve it too if we gave the Aliens internet access!!! But please don't spam E.T. with Viagra ads!!!

[edit on 3-5-2005 by looking4truth]

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 11:09 PM
haha, gave them access. Like they needed our permission or somthing. good one.

if you all haven't read this book...

you really need to. It might give you some great insight into this idea. Arthur C. Clarke definatly thought past step two.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:38 AM
Actually I am aware of that book, and many others. I have done quite a bit of thought on the subject and am here looking for more ideas.

I like the one Lookingfortruth mentioned, that direct contact will be important. I do not think there is even the vague possibility that the governments of the world will not be in charge though. That is just not how things work, but as soon as the public gets involved in anything it becomes much hard for the government to pursue agendas that we do not agree with. Not impossible, just harder, at least in America.


posted on May, 4 2005 @ 03:58 PM
aware of the book? or have read the book?

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 05:06 PM
I seem to recall reading it many years ago, part of the beginning of my thinking on the whole UFO topic. I cannot say I remember much of the specifics of that particular one since it has been overshadowed by so many other great works of fiction.

To me the World is at a point where the basic question of 'are we alone' is pretty much answered to most people's satisfaction. Specifics are totally unknown really but a significant number of people accept the first step. Or rather, the truth of some of the details is out there but obscured by fraud both intentional and not.

So while the investigation side is of interest to me, I am more interested in how people are acting on the knowledge and where it leads them. I have to admit I have been entangled in matters of romance for a few years and have not kept up with the more organized groups of people who center more or less around UFOs. I did just read some interesting things at a UN website so I count that as a positive step on the world stage.


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