posted on May, 3 2005 @ 05:34 PM
being that none of us can read the article, it's hard to agree or disagree with anything they say.
As far as I know, eye color doesn't matter at all, it's what is in the heart and the intent of the person looking at you, or how you look at a
person that constitutes evil eye.
I don't know to spell these words in english, so i'll type them the way they are pronounced. This type of ritual/superstition is so common among
Indians that most likely every one of them has had some sort of thing done of behalf of preventing or getting rid of the evil eye.
It's also common in my culture, that after a child goes out, or is around alot of people, parties, etc, (strangers, distant relatives, etc) we would
"ouchay" them to get rid of any successful evil eye or bad eye made against them. "Ouchay" is a term we use to describe a ritual in which we do
"aarti" (move your arms in clockwise motion over a child/person) while holding a concoction of onion skin, garlic skin, salt and pepper, wrapped
into a bundle in a piece of newspaper, while saying a specific mantra. After the mantra is said, we then burn the paper....sometimes it doesn't
smell or smoke too much, then it said the bad eye wasn't strong, but the more it stinks and smokes, the stronger the bad eye is said to be.
While Islam is usually against mysticism, some muslim mejhis practice a form of this, by chanting certain prayers and blowing over the person at
specific intervals.
When we don't have the necessary stuff to perform the "ouchay", my granny also uses the blowing method with our hindu mantras to get the same
effect. It's like blowing away the bad eye.
personally I have been affected by bad eye, as has almost everyone I know in my circle. I have seen dramatic differences in the way a child behaves
and act before and after the ritual. I can also attest to feeling much better after having my granny ouchay me.