posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 03:26 AM
Its difficult to keep in mind specific requirements we must all adhere to, to keep the site within requirements. Therefore in light of past, recent
and future posting contraventions by users I would ask you all to bare in mind the following from the Terms and Conditions of the site.
"You will not post any copyrighted material, material belonging to another person, nor link to any copyrighted material (with the exception of
publicly available sites and pages that the legal owners of the copyrights have created to make that material freely available to the general public),
unless that copyright is owned by you or by this website."
Please consider carefully before you post and if you are in any doubt please contact myself or one of the other mods or Super Mods as to what is
We would all be extremely grateful that if when posting you adhere this.
[Edited on 29-7-2003 by cassini]
[edit on 8-6-2005 by Gazrok]