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Would You Risk Your Life to Expose the Truth?

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posted on May, 24 2005 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by pfunkarocka
What if you found the truth and had no camera? Then you would have no proof and everything would be based on interpretation.

Describe a whale.
Describe a tree.
Describe a star.

Describe anything and make someone believe you with 100% certainty.

Now you begin to see the problem that even if you know the truth, can you describe it and tell the story where you wouldn't look like just any other idiot ...

Now here is a person who truly possesses wisdom! It's a frequent problem when trying to rely what God is like to those who don't know or don't care to know.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by saint4God

Originally posted by pfunkarocka
What if you found the truth and had no camera? Then you would have no proof and everything would be based on interpretation.

Describe a whale.
Describe a tree.
Describe a star.

Describe anything and make someone believe you with 100% certainty.

Now you begin to see the problem that even if you know the truth, can you describe it and tell the story where you wouldn't look like just any other idiot ...

Now here is a person who truly possesses wisdom! It's a frequent problem when trying to rely what God is like to those who don't know or don't care to know.

I wish I knew if there is a God, and if so what God is like. I care. Also, I would expand the excellent example posted by pfunkarocka in an attempt to make it even more descriptive of what it would be like trying to make others believe you 100% that there is a God.
It would be like trying to describe all of the different shades, tones and variations of the colour brown, when you have never seen any colours before, and all you have to go on as your reference are the words of others who lived long ago, which have been editted and translated numerous times, and of which there are countless contradictory and opposing versions.
Now that would be tough.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 01:32 AM
> If the black ops or mib told you you would die, would you take that chance?

Nothing can prevent death. So one cannot go around and worry about it. One do what one think is right or best and f*** the consequences.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 04:01 AM
There's a lot more to 'telling the truth' and 'exposing conspiracies' than just UFO stories. There's also the day-to-day things that most people simply don't care to know, or deny.

For example, I've been living and working in China for many years. There are more lies and conspiracies here than there are hairs on a dog. I make it a point to try to educate the people around me about them.

I've never yet had any Chinese person admit to believing a single one of them, including the things I know they know about!

The human mind (well, certainly the Chinese mind!) possesses incredible truth filtering systems...

Telling the truth is only part of the problem. Getting others to believe it is the hard part.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 09:39 AM
hmmm .... risk of life or loss of curent perception of your identity. do you have a reverence for all life, or an instinct of self preserve, aka self before you serve anything or anyone?

people who do know things sometimes find no one listening, really listening. then there are those who ask questions. if you ask someone a question and they smile and answer you with another question ..... perhaps you should be utilizing more of your brain on a conscious level instead of having experiences stored away in your subconscious because most of the stimuli of the experience wasn't self serving for you.

the hopi native american indians called them the ant people. savage barbarians.

the anasazi refered to bug people, weirdos.

chinese tribe near the dropa stone region called them ant people. but who cares what was going on in china a few thousand years ago.

the dogon tribe of africa called them the ant people and proved that in 1909 they knew something about the cosmos we didn't prove until 1948, said the ant people taught them.

of course these cultures could be just a few 100,000 + souls that just don't have the acquired intellect your superior opinion has granted you.

who knows, maybe at some point at least one soul made a pact with them to coven the ant in some kind of covenant or agreement, but who really knows.

maybe first we should worry about finding out what ant i matter is.

of course this could all be some jokers idea of an ant i dote, but who's really listening anyway.

less worrying about the ant i christ (christ means has been crowned) but whose paying attention to such nonsense anyways. religious jargon.

just nonsense anyways .... ant i gravity is more important these days.

ain't ain't a word and i ain't gona say it cuz ain't ain't in the dictionary! ain't must have come from the hissss of the snake, saint.

funny thing about this matter ...... if you were to shrink down to the size of an atom, you'd see that there is nothing you could reach out and grab. matter is only compressed light, as though it were in a black hole or something ..... , but who really knows, and if anyone did, who is really listening anymore ......

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 06:05 PM
if evolution is true ......

do you own and command all your cells?
do your cells own and command you?

our cells are self aware consciousnesses capable of integrating information and adapting to thier environment, they can effect thier environment.

knowing this, absolutley knowing this requires individual cells to download self preserve.

can it be done without ending man's capability to father children?

if being verile is the epitome of self preserve, a way the cells have developed to pass on information to offspring, then how do we convince them to keep verility and disregard self-pre-serve which has proven to be thier driving source for purpose in the first place?

enlightenment & immortality vs. children & the spread of all humanity

tough choices.

sometimes finding the truth means death. not of 1 individual, but of an entire race.

maybe the aliens are here to help us with that little problem, considering so few of us are even aware of it existing.

if creationism is true ......
no flaws.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 11:05 PM
It seems that no matter what we untermuensch do, it will only be revealed when the prevailing powers that be indicate that it should be. And then, only at that time will it be truth (whatever that may be).

Good Point! The truth IS out there, about everything. Even if someone did have hard core evidence that something exists, it will be covered up and your life ruined.
But, on the other hand, I would like to think I would do anything possible to bring it to light if I had the chance. But, like others here, I would be concerned about those close to me.
But, I would definitely take the red pill!!

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 11:06 PM
The top of my reply was a quote, sorry.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII
I wish I knew if there is a God, and if so what God is like. I care.

Please check U2U.

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