posted on May, 1 2005 @ 10:27 PM
I was curious so I skimmed over some articles. Apparently the first article you mentioned is found here I believe
where the article mentions the Chinese are sending entangled photons through the air.
I did a search on entangled photons and found this.
To sum things up quickly from the way I see things. Entangled photons were created to be able to store and read data in a much denser form (ie CD's,
DVD's, and/or future derivatives of them) so that a lot more information can be stored on a disk. Entangling the photons creates a shorter
wavelength of light I believe.
Being able to send entangled photons through the air would enable a higher volume of data to be communicated I believe. I am not sure on that part
but that's the way I saw it. Someone who knows more about this field can feel free to correct me.
I believe there have been some prior discussions on quantum communications here on ATS as well.
[edit on 1-5-2005 by orionthehunter]