I sure wish I could offer you some advice. But, all I can say as far as your cat goes, she's not the only strange cat in the world, like I thought
mine was until reading your story.
I love cats, have had them most of my life. All different personalities, colors, males, females, you name it, I've had a cat to match. But my
current cat, "Kitty" (original, huh), she I think needs psychiatric help, and I'm serious! I don't know her history the first four months
(approx.) of her life, as she just came to us one summer day. Just walked right in the open patio door, and has never left. We have moved since
then, she came with us.
(I'm sorry I have no idea why your cat behaves in the way she does with the beenie horse, except for what some others have said, that maybe she
thinks it is dead. But, if you had already had the horse for any length of time before it fell off the desk and the cat got so upset, well then, that
doesn't make much sense, since she would have noticed it sitting completely still on the desk. If she didn't pay much or any attention to it before
it fell, it is unlikely that she ever thought that it was alive to begin with.)
I hope you don't mind, but since you sort of put out a call to any vets, or people with similar knowledge, I thought that if there are any people who
know more than we do about our cat's strange behavior, who may be reading this, I sure would like some answers as to why mine is so un-cat like.
Kitty, like I said, wandered in at about the age of four months. She's a Tuxedo Cat, very pretty, although being a Tuxedo cat reveals nothing about
her ancestry, or what mixture of breeds she has in her. It's just a pattern of markings. She has always been very sweet (most of the time). And
she is extremely "needy", in so far as she has to know where we are all the time. She will come up to one or the other of us, (usually when we're
busy with something else - that is very cat-like), jump on our lap and start "kneading" with her claws, pushing her head up wanting to be petted.
That's fairly normal. But what isn't normal, is the fact that she absolutely will not let herself be picked up. If you dare to pick her up, and
she has gotten much bigger and stronger now. As a matter of fact, I think she is the strongest cat I've ever had. She's just over 2 years now.
Anyway, if you try to pick her up, she will squirm herself down, then as soon as you're not looking, she'll literally attack you. I don't mean
playing. Her ears go back, she makes this wierd almost growling, but not growling noise. It is definately not a nice sound. Then she will leap up
way high on your legs, sinking her teeth and claws in, like a true dearh grip. It is in no way any sort of game. Then, another thing is that in the
2 years that we've had her, she has purred maybe 3 or 4 times. And those can even hardly be counted as purrs. I don't think I've ever had a cat
that didn't purr several times a day, at least, nor do I ever remember having one that didn't like to be picked up. I mean sure, there are times
that any cat will not want to be picked up, but not just
Then recently, she has developed this new thing which is totally unnerving. If she goes to the door and meows becaue she want's to go out and we're
busy and can't get to the door just right that second, she will stare right at you, meow loudly once more, then "squint" very slowly and
deliberately. I've never seen a cat do that, and it may not sound so very unnerving just reading it, but if she did it to you personally, you would
have nightmares if you didn't drop what you're doing and let her out before she could do it again. There's more, but those are the strangest.
So, I also am asking, please if there are any knowledgeable cat people out there reading this, please, please let us know what might be wrong with our