posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 01:17 PM
There is only one answer that will truely fix social security and that is to end it.
I want to see it end I dont want to pay into it any longer. I am 37 years old and I will cut my losses now. Just dont make me keep paying. Let the
national dept/tax system continue to pay those above 50 now then end it. Period.
It was a nice thing back when our economy and numbers made it work. Well out nations economy will never again be able to support such a grand social
program that it was.
End it now. All the schemes I have heard either turn it into a big BET (Stock Market) or a wellfare program. Id rater just see it ended. Let us pay it
out through other means Taxes and Debt.
If we need a wellfare for the dieing poor that cannot work then so be it. But lets call it what it is. Heck I may need such a program someday, but if
I take a handout please call it just that.
Also stop giving people who work less and make less than me my money. Earned Income credit. Ok ok sure take a tax brake but no way should you ever get
a refund for more than you paid into the tax system. That my friend is a wellfare program and if you take my money then you are stealing it from me
and using the governement to do it.
Simple as that.