posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 09:05 AM
I don't know if everyone else can identify with this, but usually for me a dream feels very dead. If anything physical takes place, such as a fight,
you know it's a dream right away, because you can't feel anything.
Fights or other conflict make their way into my dreams a lot, and of course since I can't feel my muscles I invariably feel very weak in my dreams. I
realize its a dream, and I wake up.
Not lately though. My body feels heavy, my muscles feel tense, and sometimes i swear I can more or less sense pain. It's made for some really
life-like dreams. It's changed the whole course of my dreams even. Normally I feel fairly powerless in dreams because I have no sense of myself, but
being able to "feel" (and its not perfect but for a dream its pretty strong) I'm suddenly having dreams that work out a lot better. If I'm in a
fight in a dream I win (rare for my dreams). If I'm working on something or trying to move something I can do it (again, not common in my dreams).
I was just wondering if anybody else has noticed this in their own dreams, and if so do you think it's a cause or effect? Is it a change of attitude
that causes you to feel different in your dreams, or is it a quirk in your dreams that perhaps ends up affecting your attitude?