posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 08:38 PM
This website is just filled with fundie propagandist tripe. Nothing more. Cool music though. Seventh day Adventists are out against the Catholics for
quite a while now. To answer the question at hand the upside down cross:
Recently, someone mentioned that the Pope wore an upside-down cross. As you may know, in our culture, the upside-down cross is synonymous with
Satanism. But, it is also synonymous with something else. Often, Protestants use this to attack the Pope and accuse our Catholic Church of being evil.
This is a blatant lie!
Actually, a Pope has never worn an upside-down cross. What the Protestants are referring to is a picture of Pope John Paul II sitting in a chair with
an upside-down cross etched into it. The upside-down cross has significance in our Catholic Tradition.
When Saint Peter was martyred, he requested to be crucified upside down, because he was not worthy to die in the same manner as Jesus Christ our Lord.
So, an upside-down cross is often etched into papal chairs, altars in churches of Saint Peter, and other things, in order to connect themselves with
Saint Peter. Satanists use upside-down crosses to demean Christ.
I hope this clears up some of the controversy.