posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 11:28 PM
I just want to introduce myself. I ran across this site while doing research for a novel I'm working on. Whether or not I finish it is another
story. Whether or not it gets published is a second story. Whether or not it's any good is a third story. I've got quite the high rise going, I
hope Al Quaida doesn't target it!
Anyway, you can call me spamandham, an allusion to the classic Monty Python sketch, or spammy if you prefer.
Most of what I've seen on this site is new to me. I've heard about the oddities around 9/11, and I'm a firm believer in the 'follow the money'
principle. In this case, the clear beneficiary is the Federal Government, who's power has expanded immensly since then.
I'm particularly interested in politics and religion. As a hopefull writer, my novel is leaning toward sci-fi, although at this point I could still
change it to a political conspiracy thriller instead - still trying to decide on that.
Anyway welcome aboard me!