I discovered the Dulce facility conspiracy theory while doing research for a novel I'm writing, and thought I'd add this link to the thread here for
(potential) "closure" on the issue of Thomas Edwin Costello. It appears he's a figment of a campaign of misinformation and disinformation.
From the link:
You still do not get it. TEC (Thomas Edwin Castello) is a creation. A MYTH.
The goal was to manipulate Ufology into another direction.
Away from the boring lights in the sky stuff.
To effect the ‘public imagination’.
So…Norio Hayakawa was right.
I was behind a mind game.
There's little to no evidence I've been able to find that Thomas Edwin Costello existed, and certainly none that he ever divulged as much as
interviews purport. While there may be some sort of facility there, it seems unlikely a guard would divulge information about it while using their
real name, especially since--to my knowledge--Costello never really established a motive for doing so beyond satiating public curiosity.
The sorts of individuals hired to serve as guards in secret facilities are not inclined to satisfy someone's curiosity. They aren't inclined to
divulge national secrets "just because," and they certainly aren't so stupid as to use their name to do it. True, Costello may be a pseudonym for
someone else, but there again, the question is why.
The bulk of Costello's supposed interview deals with the nature of the underground base itself and the supposed alien races that inhabit the area.
None of the interview deals with why Costello would risk his freedom or life to divulge these secrets, nor does he have any real evidence that stands
up to scrutiny. We're all supposed to take him at his word.
Without any evidence to the contrary, I'm inclined to believe Costello was a figment of someone's imagination meant to stir up conversation about
Dulce in a deliberate misinformation campaign, or the result of someone looking to troll conspiracy theorists and gain fifteen minutes of fame for it
while getting a good laugh.
Of course, Costello "disappeared" or "died" a year later because he had served his purpose. Since he never existed and (apparently) no one ever
thought to ask him about evidence of who he was, he could simply vanish from the face of the planet.
I don't necessarily think there's nothing out beneath Dulce, but I'm inclined to think the facility there is nothing like what "Costello" described,
and if the facility is still in operation, I would imagine the staff there probably get a good laugh at the legends surrounding it.
I want to believe, but I just...don't. Not in Thomas Edwin Costello, anyway.