posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 04:40 AM
It depends on what the subject matter of the science may be. (From evolution of man to the mysteries of the Universe... Science is much too broad a
subject to answer "YES" or "NO"
It also depends on the Religion.
So I can only give you this:
The only "UNIVERSAL" similarity between most mainstream religions and (predominantly biological) science is morals. Like cloning for example.
niether of them approve.
There are only two "UNIVERSAL" differences between most mainstream religions and science.
1a)Science = exists through theory AND experiment.
1b)Religion = exists through faith.
2a)Science = constantly changing and evolving.
2b)Religion = Remains untouched until times change drastically, causing new sects, but still the same basis.
Some religions as Scientology and Christian Science(or Christian Reading.)
Are based on NEW AGE Science, like selfhelp and power of the mind.
So personally I don't consider them a religion OR science.
Hope this helps to explain a little, and I think I might have strayed from the question...
Any one else got ideas and ideals?