posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 08:37 PM
Here are some choice complaints from our new complaint form.
stupid brainless posts
Some people should not be posting. they tie up the bandwidth and quality posts with their garbage. I know you probably dont care william that if it
does continue, Ill leave.
This is probably a valid complaint, but I would ask this person to make an effort to help. It's your discussion board (everyone's), quality posts
are the responsibility of everyone.
Chit Chat
I think that this forum is revolving too much around the Chit Chat forum. It has the most posts here- and this is not for small talk. This forum was
created to talk about so-called government conspiracies. Not what is your favorite milkshake.
So basically, you need to restrict the use of Chit Chat.
I agree that Chit Chat is getting a little crazy. Should we limit the number of posts that is allowed in the chit chat forum on a daily basis?
However, it seems that since we started displaying the conspiracy/chit-chat ratio on the board home, things have improved a bit.
Serious Complaint
I have a very serious complaint. This site has too much material on it! I cannot keep up with the amount of information posted here on a daily basis.
It is starting to effect my daily work.
Thats another thing! This site is addictive! It should be more boring so I am not drawn to it and risk getting in trouble with my employer!
Well, I sould suggest you invest in a continuum expansion device so that you are able to experience more than 24 hours in one day.
To the founding fathers of ATS [not neccessarily the moderators] I wish to thank you all very much for initiating such a platform for freedom to live
in ideas. This is the first message board that I have participated in so far. It has rekindled a spirit and desire in me long asleep, the one for a
positive change.
The one that has been surpressed by the neccisity to exist and raise a family in the world we live in.
At lunch I had planned on saying more.
However, upon my return a u2u from an ultra? informed me that my last thoughts had been thrown in the trash!
This does sort of make all my prior feelings and thoughts about ATS irrelevant.
Your comments on this matter are eagerly anticipated
I believe the post that was trashed at the time this complaint came in had content that attempted to endorse illegal activity that is clearly
against the ATS policies that all members have agreed to when joining this board.
I have a mods love child
Hi I met one of your mods at a party about 10 months ago. I dont know his name, but he said that he moderated ATS, so here I am.
I know that this will be a big shock to him, he probably doesnt even remember the episode, but that one night of fun has taken an unexpected turn, you
now have a baby boy who is one month old.
I need to contact him quickly as my son needs a father, we are living with my parents and need to get another place to live. I want to spend my life
with you as I love ATS and any mod there is worth having my kids with.
Please contact me back about it.
While many of us have concerns about ADVISOR in this case, we are certain the results of the blood test will prove otherwise.
Warning to all mods and admin
I am a professional alien investigator and I have been observing your forum for some time. I believe that you have among you some beings that are not
human. Beware, there is an alien mod who is mascarading as a human. You must find him and have him eliminated Some of the ways you can tell that a
mod is an alien is by the desire to delete posts and control others. I will survey the members of this site to find out who that inteloper is, alien
infections are dangerous, you must be on your guard.
Sometimes aliens say that they come from non english speaking countries to hide their poor verbal skills. Typically these countires will be unasuming
ones, with a population who are decidedly bland, such as many of the north european countries. Check to see if any of your mods are from these places.
This is information for your own protection.
You're not a very good alien investigator... we're all aliens.
[Edited on 27-7-2003 by William]