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war in iraq

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posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 07:33 PM
was it justifiable to wage war upon iraq?, without any evidence of wmd's?

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 07:41 PM
Illegal and unjustified for me...

I've already stated why in a couple of other threads...

Peace out,


posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 11:15 PM
Of course the War is justified...look at what Saddam did to his people.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by FreeMason
Of course the War is justified...look at what Saddam did to his people.

Like i stated above... if you want to know why i think it's unjustified please check out my previous posts on bush and his band of lunatics...

Simply put... What did saddam ever do to you...??? Or for that matter to the US. No conclusive evidence has been found of his WMD nor of his connections to al-qaeda. The reason for going to war with Iraq was 1st because of connections to al-qaeda... proof of this connection was flimsy to say the least (nonexistant to be precise). Then it shifted to WMD.. Saddam supposedly had truckloads of biological and chemical weapons ready to be used within 45 minutes... This was never proven. Then he was supposedly reconstituting his nuclear program... evidence of this came from a scientist who brought ten year old documents and a small amount of parts to the US. These documents were that old because Saddam's nuclear program has been frozen since the start of the 1st gulf war. All in all i (and many others on this board) have yet to see real and conclusive evidence of him having nukes or other WMD...

My point, in one of the other topics i've posted in on this subject, was that the US had started a legal war with Afghanistan after 9/11. But Iraq was not a legal war because it never attacked the US nor was it ever at any time a real threat to the US.

Reasons for going to war with Iraq were made up. They shifted from "Saddam has connections to alqaeda" to "Saddam has WMD" to "well even if they don't have WMD and connections to al-qaeda we have liberated the people of iraq".

Let me explain that i haven't thought up this last "reason" for going to war. The "liberation of the iraqi people" reason was stated by Bush himself.

Fact is there is no conclusive evidence now or since the start of the war that the reasons given by the Bush administration were valid reasons to go to war.

Fact is also that there's more evidence today that Bush and Blair lied, than there is that they were telling the truth.

I don't want to convince you of anything... Everyone has a right to their own opinion... But these are the reasons why i truthfully think that the war with Iraq was an unjustified war.



posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:13 AM
Most stories about Saddams atrocity are exagerated. Amnesty international accounts for 17.000 victims in 20 years. That is arguably horrid, but still much less than the 20.000/year victims of social violence PER YEAR in the USA or the million iraqis that died as a consequence of civil infrastructure bombing (war crime) by the US air force during GW1.

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by Mokuhadzushi]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by FreeMason
Of course the War is justified...look at what Saddam did to his people.

but what about the other nations who have commited similar sins against their people, what about humanitarian crises world wide, what about other murders by other governments.

the fact is iraq was a threat, not an imminent threat. they are hurting us now more than ever.

5 US soldiers have been killed in the past 24 hours.

see for yourself

Relax PC, only made the "us" capitalized.

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:32 AM
Illegal and unjustified, not to mention arrogant and pretty much pointless.

Dan Rather was able to find Saddam, and you're telling me that the world's most powerful nation couldn't?

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:34 AM
Dan Rather was able to find Saddam, and you're telling me that the world's most powerful nation couldn't?

that's crazy lol. really makes ya wonder.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:59 AM
Justified, and of course, legal. For the reasons that I have covered many times.

Dan Rather found Hussein, or did Hussein's people take him to Hussein? Surely that statement was in jest.

There has been evidence of WMD's, and there is no doubt that Hussein had them, and the fact that he would never comply or cooperate was all the reason needed. The connection to Al Quada was enough to seal his fate as he hated us, was acquiring cash under the table *TC looking sternly toward the governments of France, Russia and Germany* and would continue to be a destabilizing factor to the mid-east and a threat to civilians in the western world.

-P.S.- I am, however, waiting impatiently for the chemical and biological weapons (not mobile manufacturing trailers) that were led to believe would be littering the sidewalks, cafe's and schoolhouses.

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 10:15 AM
Regardless of who found who, you cannot tell me that an assasination attempt was not possible.

Actually, there is much doubt that Hussein had WMD's , or have you not been paying attention?

And just what connection to Al Qaeda? Where was the proof for this that the administration claimed to have?

See, the problem here is; Lots of claims, no proof to back them up.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 02:19 PM
hmmm it surprises me that I was the only one who voted for "yes, saddam needed sorting "
Obviously "proof" was fabricated and still no WMD have been found, but it is my opinion that Saddam himself was a legitimate reason to invade Iraq and overthrow the iraqi government.
I couldn't care less if they attack Iran, Cuba, North Korea & other dictators too for the same reason.
A nice quote by Rage Against The Machine:

"Now Freedom must be fundamental, in Johannasberg or South Central"

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:22 PM
click here

this is an intersting read.

my opion is that it was illeagal and unjustified, and any1 who thinks it was correct to go to war should go to hell. there was other ways to remove sadaam from power, however we have wmd's so y aint we being persecuted?? i know all the protocols and crap, we cant use our nukes etc, so y bother with them?

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 08:08 AM
So, I should go to Hell, huh? Who are you, my ex-wife?

Yeah, there are so many ways to disarm an half-crazed despot. Sanctions, maybe? Gee, that might work were everyone to impose them and not deal under the table while he takes the blackmarket earnings for himself and his hobbies (you know, rape, plastic shredders and missiles he isn't supposed to have).

Maybe promise him assistance if he stops his madness, maybe it'll work as well as it did with North Korea (oops, another starry-eyed screwup that any rational human knew was stupid).
What would you suggest?

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