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The answer to everything

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posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 11:46 PM
this mans story may nto be believeable but the ideas within it are true, they were the ideas of men before him whom were worshipped and once proclaimed themselves bigger than God, John lennon had these ideas, all you need is love, when you've seen beyond yourself then you may find peace of mind is waiting there, i do believe it is the only way to help the human race

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 02:21 AM
I'll tell you what this guy is. He's a con artist, a hoaxer, a liar, and a cracked out psycho.

"that, my friend, is actually up to you....on one occasion he goes on like a mad man listing and listing locations of all these secret undeground bases.....u want proof? go to some of those... "

NO. I'm not doing anything until I see him post an ACTUAL picture of an alien or something like that to prove it'd be even worth my consideration.

"he has stated, either in his "book" (that page) or in an interview that they do that to "accomodate" him........very simple..."

So... he's too stupid to learn a new name?

"and they do reappear..he had contact for along time, long.... "

Then why don't they take pictures? If these wackos see aliens all the time, I'd think they'd have plenty of opportunities. Tell you what... if that ever happens to me, I'm going to take about a hundred rolls of film... maybe even club one of the little buggers over the head to get proof! This liar has shown NOTHING to prove he's credible... NOTHING! Hell, you think he'd at least TRY to get some PROOF!

In my opinion, backing up this lunatic without further proof on his behalf is really stupid. Can't he at least snatch an alien pen off one of their desks or something? Maybe a napkin with the 'Andromedian Council" logo on it or ANYTHING else from their ship. Man these kind of people piss me off.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 12:29 PM
you greyhaven are slightly neive, you believe that all names can be learn with basic english language sounds? a grown huamn has a greater difficulty reiterating new sound types and if the "aliens" from this article don't use much for english based sounds we're kinda gonna be screwed fer talking their languages, but then again once we get out'a this stupid earth conceptuality of the need for money and being better than others, then maybe we'll be able to use our full brains, brians which have been in many other realities and experienced far more than can be imagined

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Greyhaven
I'll tell you what this guy is. He's a con artist, a hoaxer, a liar, and a cracked out psycho.

"that, my friend, is actually up to you....on one occasion he goes on like a mad man listing and listing locations of all these secret undeground bases.....u want proof? go to some of those... "

NO. I'm not doing anything until I see him post an ACTUAL picture of an alien or something like that to prove it'd be even worth my consideration.

"he has stated, either in his "book" (that page) or in an interview that they do that to "accomodate" him........very simple..."

So... he's too stupid to learn a new name?

"and they do reappear..he had contact for along time, long.... "

Then why don't they take pictures? If these wackos see aliens all the time, I'd think they'd have plenty of opportunities. Tell you what... if that ever happens to me, I'm going to take about a hundred rolls of film... maybe even club one of the little buggers over the head to get proof! This liar has shown NOTHING to prove he's credible... NOTHING! Hell, you think he'd at least TRY to get some PROOF!

In my opinion, backing up this lunatic without further proof on his behalf is really stupid. Can't he at least snatch an alien pen off one of their desks or something? Maybe a napkin with the 'Andromedian Council" logo on it or ANYTHING else from their ship. Man these kind of people piss me off., i really do understand where u are coming from....very logical, yet (no offence) by other people's standards could be a little close-minded....

he hasnt really 'acknowldged' that thats the proof, yet his little 'predictions' are sort of that, ahem, 'proof', what the 'andromedans' have told him makes a little more sense, yet from these 'facts', he pulls stuff out of his a**...because if u read that thing u will see that when he makes his own opinionated predictions that they are all in a lecture he was giving in 1996, he said things will be very different next year, blah blah...he almost made it sound like the world was gonna anything really that different? did we all die?

he also mentions a lot that things "will get weird. i mean, like, really wierd"....he was literally saying that by now we should be and should have seen space ships flying in our space.....these things he says he probably shoudnt have, since they only make it worse for i said, he's not to be taken extremely literally....think of him as a crackpot who sees the truth, yet his vision is blurred...

now, as far as this 'proof'...he also stated countless times that the council decided that all alien influence be off out planet by AUGUST 12, 2003....hhhmmmm....and that by that date, that would more than likely have to force them out, and we shouldnt be surprised to see "reptilians running on the highway".....AND (this will crack u up), "we shouldnt be suprised to wake up one morning and see the moon gone"....thats right, right out of star trek, theyl put a beam on it and tow it away....thats a few days from now folks, have your telescopes ready...

he does sound a lot like this guy though (go to the bottom of the site with the pill stuff, proof that drugs are bad for ya)....and according to that guy, he was ALSO told that the poles will shift, and a bunch of ther stuff that alex also claims...yet he puts it somewhat more clearly with his ghandi and matrix quotes...

like alex would say we must take responsibily for ourselves, though if you'r like me and dont have enough brainpower, u wouldnt figure out exactly what he's trying to say, david puts it more simply: "Taking our power back means taking responsibility for what is going on, exposing it, facing it, and therefore changing it. "

for me, it's proof enough that all these 'wackos' all seem to coincide on the message they bring, like the year 2012/13 thing....

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 02:42 PM

you greyhaven are slightly neive, you believe that all names can be learn with basic english language sounds? a grown huamn has a greater difficulty reiterating new sound types and if the "aliens" from this article don't use much for english based sounds we're kinda gonna be screwed fer talking their languages, but then again once we get out'a this stupid earth conceptuality of the need for money and being better than others, then maybe we'll be able to use our full brains, brians which have been in many other realities and experienced far more than can be imagined

Naive'? I think not. I'm thinking logically. Logic would say that if the man can't produce ANY proof, then he's lying. I don't care what they call themselves, they're obviously talking to him, couldn't they at least TRY to tell him what they call themselves thinking MAYBE he could pronounce it? And if he can remember all this other crap about what they told him, couldn't he at least TRY to kinda' spell it in English? There really isn't a sound that can't be expressed in SOME way with the english language (you can spell out something that is CLOSE ENOUGH to get the idea anyway, don't even try to test me). The only excuse for this is if the aliens don't normally communicate with vocal sounds and use some kind of telepathy. MAYBE then there might not really even be 'sounds' but more of thoughts or mental images passed between them. If they communicate vocally. there is no excuse.

"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."
-- Andrew Jackson

Fact is this guy is full of crap. If you believe him, I hope you have fun wasting away your life waiting time and again for the aliens to come (or whatever he made up about what they're doing).

I'm not saying I don't believe in extra terrestrial life, I do, but you can rest assured that THIS man never talked to them.

Who's more the fool, the fool, or the fool who follows him?

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 03:04 PM

"Now, in our galaxy there are many councils. I don't know everything about all those councils, but I do know about the Andromedan council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star systems that come together and discuss what is going on in the galaxy."

Why is the Andromedian council HERE... in the MILKYWAY? Shouldn't they be in Andromeda? For those of you who would defend this guy and are obviously really gullible, I'll inform you that ANDROMEDA IS A DIFFERENT GALAXY! Not a different solar system, not a different star in our galaxy!

"Andromedan council... discuss(es) what is going on in the galaxy"

GOOD... I hope they're having fun, cuz they're in the wrong damn galaxy. Maybe they should check their navigational equipment cuz they missed home by about 2.9 MILLION LIGHT YEARS. Ok, ok, ok... maybe these aliens are morons, maybe they just missnamed themselves. All I'm saying is that this guy can't even do some basic friggin' research to make sure he's got his galaxies right.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 03:16 PM
yes, they do communicate telepathically...where have u been?

and it's just the exact opposite of u what u said and what he's meaning is....he's NOT telling us to wait for them, in fact he dismisses people that say "oh i have the one true way follow me" and also people that just sit there and wait for "jesus"...he's telling us the opposite of this...and if he didnt, and did in fact say "oh everyone follow me", even the dumbest person on this planet would be able to figure out something's not right....

read the last the 3 words of the last chapter just before it says "alex" no way is this another messiah BS thing...

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 03:36 PM
I didn't say it was a messiah thing... I said he's lying. (He never said it, and I never even implied it) Read the arguments I've made, they're completely logical.
This man is L Y I N G !

What? "Just do it"? OH... I GET IT! He works for Nike's advertising cepartment. SWOOSH!

"he's NOT telling us to wait for them"

That's why I said "(or whatever he made up about what they're doing). " immediately after I said that. I didn't read all of his crap and I'm not going to. I found too many mistakes in the first couple paragraphs I read (not the 1st paragraphs on the site, just the ones I read) that I deemed it a bunch of crap and didn't continue reading. I've listed some of these mistakes above... read them... NO, seriously, READ them.

"yes, they do communicate telepathically...where have u been? "

Then how is he talking to them? Is he a telepath or are they just projecting thoughts into his head? (no sarcasm here, I'm serious).

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 03:53 PM
swoosh?, good

well, he says they use symbols in their telepathy thing, which is what the crop circles are basically (some)....he says something about how one symbol can explain the entire history of this and that, but u have to go behind it, under it, etc....

he says they magically taught him to understand this, though it's not mainly what they used..

one of them learned to use his vocal cords and spoke to him.....and also spoke to him in english telepathically....

just ANYONE who speaks to u automatically a liar if they dont have hardcore proof? i mean u just dismiss this guy too fast...

its like in the matrix....if agent smith came up to u and said "serve us", and then morpheus came up to u and said something like "free your mind", u wouldnt go "omg wtf morpheus u lie man ur on crack LIIIIER!"...get my point here? or at least the flow of it?

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 04:58 PM
Grey has a point here. Alex Collier said that the Andromedan Council looks after matters in the galaxy. But, their not in their own 'home' galaxy. Their in ours

For real, they missed their galaxy by, like Grey said, about 2.9 million light years. How in the hell did they do that? You haven't explained to us about this quote Del.

Quote from Alex Collier's site:

"The Andromedan Council

Now, in our galaxy there are many councils. I don't know everything about all those councils, but I do know about the Andromedan council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star systems that come together and discuss what is going on in the galaxy"

Please explain why they are in the wrong galaxy.

By the way, in either case, time will tell if this man is the truth, or juss another nutcase.


[Edited on 4-8-2003 by WeBDeviL]

[Edited on 4-8-2003 by WeBDeviL]

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 05:28 PM
i really didnt write all that, and dont see how they are 'in the wrong galaxy' (i'l have to reread that post on that), so i really dont have to 'explain it'...

but u are right, time will tell....

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 05:47 PM

okay, he does acknowledge that they are indeed from the andromeda galaxy...and he says they come here becuase in 300something years there will be some kind of tyranny that affects EVERYONE, and they have traced it down to earth, mars, and the moon to be really specific...makes sense even coming froma nutcase...

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 07:15 PM
300 something years, eh? Well...we will all be dead by then won't we? Unless we reincarnate and play some 'pivotal' role in it. But Im sticking to my theory - Time will tell.


posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by WeBDeviL
300 something years, eh? Well...we will all be dead by then won't we? Unless we reincarnate and play some 'pivotal' role in it. But Im sticking to my theory - Time will tell.


didnt einstein originally say that? or am i thinking of something else....

anyway, for this guy more cant be said, becuase in time (literally) we will find out if those things he said wil come really looking forward to the pole shift, lol....

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 12:16 AM
"just ANYONE who speaks to u automatically a liar if they dont have hardcore proof? i mean u just dismiss this guy too fast... "

I'm not saying the guys IDEALS are wrong... I'm just saying he didn't get them from any aliens. There are TOO many holes in his story to be considered true without further proof!

Why are they in our galaxy? What business is it of theirs what we do on our own little planet? I hope they're scared of our 'vibrations' so they'll mind their of f***ing business! If they supposedly know about this tyrany from earth '300 something years from now' and they can time travel... WHY DON'T THEY JUST TAKE CARE OF IT?!?!?! It couldn't POSSIBLY be that hard to figure out who the key players will be in this tyrany if you can time travel, right? They abduct hundres of people anyway... why not make some of them the ones they take... and then KEEP THEM?!?!

These aliens must be complete dumb @$$E$.

The public will believe anything, so long as it is not founded on truth.
--Edith Sitwell

Guess that statement must have some truth to it.


posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 12:42 AM
this is very "interesting"...

taken from the site. from chapter 2 under the section titled "Probable Events That Might Be Happening In the Next Few Years"

Between June and October of 2003, there is a strong probability we will wake up one morning and the moon will no longer be in orbit. The reason for this is that there are regressive energies on the moon. They just might have to "pay back some karma". Between 2003 and 2007, the benevolent races are supposedly going to be all around us. We will see them, but they will not interfere. The Andromedan Council, a group of representatives from 143 planetary systems, made a declaration that by August 12, 2003 all extraterrestrial presence, both good and bad, off our planet. They want to see how we interact with each other when we are not being manipulated. It's a test, and they have every intention on carrying it out. It's going to be interesting.

ok... where to begin... so the moon is going to disapear in the next few months? just magicly go away? riiiiight. i don't think so. he doesn't even give a reason for it... well except for those "regressive energies", whatever the f#@k that is.

this guy doesn't have a shred of evidence as far as i can see. not enough to hold up in court, so to speak. he also seems to use the words probable and might enough, so that when the stuff doesn't happen he's able to back out of those claims.

all it takes is a little creativity and too much time on your hands to come up with this stuff.

[Edited on 5-8-2003 by jra]

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 01:07 AM

Why are they in our galaxy? What business is it of theirs what we do on our own little planet? I hope they're scared of our 'vibrations' so they'll mind their of f***ing business! If they supposedly know about this tyrany from earth '300 something years from now' and they can time travel... WHY DON'T THEY JUST TAKE CARE OF IT?!?!?! It couldn't POSSIBLY be that hard to figure out who the key players will be in this tyrany if you can time travel, right? They abduct hundres of people anyway... why not make some of them the ones they take... and then KEEP THEM?!?!

like i said (or like it says rather), something will happen here that will affect everyone....the US is a perfect example of this: irag hasnt done s***, and yet they bomb it because it will do something in the future like use those invisible weapons of 'mass destruction' on us.....very simple....what world are u living in?

and as far as i know from the reading they cant because of this intervention thing, and there's a lot more to it than just 'key players'....

they dont abduct them, u should know the greys do....yes, again, the 'intervention'...the readng goes indepth about this...

The public will believe anything, so long as it is not founded on truth.

taking a look at the situation, either he's right, or you're right....and say i believe both.....then that stement is useless...

ok... where to begin... so the moon is going to disapear in the next few months? just magicly go away? riiiiight. i don't think so. he doesn't even give a reason for it... well except for those "regressive energies", whatever the f#@k that is.

ever heard the phrase "never judge a book by its cover"?

u people cant be doing this, u read the fist few line and are like "okay there's no explanation it's all gay NEXT"....

he specifially explains this several times throughout the thing, like i said before he gives shortcuts to larger stories in certain sections of the book that lead some people to believe's in there, he explains it...

this guy doesn't have a shred of evidence as far as i can see. not enough to hold up in court, so to speak. he also seems to use the words probable and might enough, so that when the stuff doesn't happen he's able to back out of those claims

yes, kinda....

the predictions that the "andromedans" gave him were not that many (i believe, since when he does entirely quote them it makes more sense) most of those, like i said, are his opininated and logical guess predictions (based i guess, on some of the stuff they told him) some areas he's not entirely right, in some he shouldnt have, in some he's not so 'literal' on them, and some have already come true (some recently i believe)...

all it takes is a little creativity and too much time on your hands to come up with this stuff.

crack, u forgot crack...................j/k, lol....

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 01:12 AM
greyhaven, im just curious....why does your avatar say "i want to believe"?

perhaps i just need to adjust my irony-detector...

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 01:42 AM

the predictions that the "andromedans" gave him were not that many (i believe, since when he does entirely quote them it makes more sense) most of those, like i said, are his opininated and logical guess predictions (based i guess, on some of the stuff they told him) some areas he's not entirely right, in some he shouldnt have, in some he's not so 'literal' on them, and some have already come true (some recently i believe)...

Some came true? Really... like what?

greyhaven, im just curious....why does your avatar say "i want to believe"?

I want to believe THE TRUTH. I don't just want to believe something some wacko makes up cuz he's lonley and needs attention. I'm not going to believe anything I don't see proof of... especially something that's full of false info. When I see proof, I'll believe. When the moon is gone, I'll listen. When we find out he's lying... I'll laugh my @$$ off... at him and everyone who believed him.

like i said (or like it says rather), something will happen here that will affect everyone....the US is a perfect example of this: irag hasnt done s***, and yet they bomb it because it will do something in the future like use those invisible weapons of 'mass destruction' on us.....very simple....what world are u living in?

**rolls eyes** LOOK, even if Saddam didn't have any nukes or bio crap, I'm not sorry he's gone. I don't think anyone is either. He was a ruthless, evil man, who got what was coming to him. Wether it was payback for something he did to the US or bad carma from the atrocities he commited on his own people finally biting him in the @$$... he's gone and the world is better off that way. If these aliens don't like the 'vibrations' of the rest of us, I'm damn sure they wouldn't like Saddam's 'vibrations' at all. I think they'd like the fact that we wiped his woman-torturing @$$ off our planet.

[Edited on 5-8-2003 by Greyhaven]


posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 02:11 AM

It is my belief that many of you are looking at this the wrong way. It is not up to us to disprove his theories it is up to him to prove them. If the man has no proof it does not make him a liar however it also does not mean that what he is truth. The fact remains that there is simply not enough information to prove definitively if he is or is not lying.

It is my opinion however that the man is in fact lying. The biggest question I have is why Alex Collier? Of all the humans why him, why not the president or at least someone who could be taken a little more seriously? Isn't it funny how aliens/god/people from the future always seem to talk to the most insignificant people?

In the 1950s it was believed that we would establish colonies on the moon and drive hover cars by the year 2000. 53 years later we still use gasoline powered automobiles and the moon remains barren. We are constantly falling short of our own expectations. I do not believe that in 300 years we will have the ability to do anything that would jeopardize any race other then our own.

Humans as a whole are extremely self centered creatures so naturally we will pose a threat to the galaxy and we have an entire council debating over what to do with us. This patter of self centered behavior can be seen in everything from reincarnation to Catholicism and this instance is no exception. When will humanity finally learn that it's role in the grand scheme of things is much smaller then we would like it to be?

This just seems a little to stereotypical *drink the kool-aid I'll be right behind ya!* for me. Until this man presents a fact I will remain on the side of the skeptics thank you very much.

[Edited on 8-5-2003 by ID]

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