I agree, we do indeed need a chemtrail forum!
Well, current information points to chemtrails being used in tandem with HAARP. Here is some interesting information regarding that use.
In previous years, Coastal Post writers have tackled the issue of HAARP, (High Frequency Active Aural Research Project), a research project undertaken
jointly by the US military and various corporations (currently Raytheon). The project involves "over the horizon" radar applications. It also holds
the ability of acting as an earth tomography instrument. Besides these activities, some observers believe that HAARP is behind the mysterious (and
officially denied) "chemtrails."
Unlike normal condensation trails, these trails do not dissipate after ten minutes or so. Instead, they expand outwards, remaining as huge cloud like
projections, often the length of the sky, floating there for hours after their release. Some observers of this issue claim that these chemtrails can
consist of laboratory created RNA, aluminum oxide, ethylene dibromide, barium, and other yucky things. Some chemtrails include polymer fibers. If so,
they hold a plethora of risk for the humans below, including neurological disturbances, heart problems, breathing problems, etc.
Critics claim that this chemical porridge allows our DNA to be infiltrated and re-arranged, without our consent. So the activity could be acting like
a vaccination program without the consent of the population upon whom it is inflicted. Some known side effects of these chemical trails are increased
cases of nosebleeds, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, and upper respiratory complaints with flu-like symptoms.
An airline manager agreed to talk to civilian investigators about these phenomena. "Airline companies have been participating in something call
Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. The earliest date anyone remembers being briefed on it is 1998. I was briefed on it in 1999.
"They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release chemicals from commercial aircraft." The informant
then detailed how the government agents would not answer directly any questions related to what the chemicals that would be released were, nor would
they explain the actual purpose of this activity. All that was said was that this activity would be "in the public's best interest."
Also some of those who have investigated HAARP are also concerned about other applications employing microwave technology that can be used as
"mind-control" weapons over civilians. In recent months, Newsweek detailed how a vending machine already exists that can send out a subliminal
"audio" signal to whatever human being may be walking by it, with the suggestion that "You are thirsty now. Wouldn't you like a soda." And as
this suggestion exists below the normal conscious sensory apparatus of a human, it has an extremely powerful effect. The entire experience takes place
through beaming microwave energy at the hapless human.