posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 11:16 AM
Maybe you could ask him something along these lines DW.
Which devolved powers have surprised him and his party colleagues.
By that I mean which powers were originally expected to be very effective and useful but turned out not to and which were not expected to be so
effective and useful and turned out to be.
Also (if you can squeeze it in) one presumes the process of devolution has a certain dynamic so how does he see it developing over the course of the
next, say 5, 10, 25 or even 50yrs?
Thanks for the thread DW, nice idea mate.
I look forward to you letting us know how you got on and what you were able to put to him and his responses.
(JM actually seems a 'real' person on TV, I'd be interested if you let us know how you found him as a personality too)