posted on May, 1 2005 @ 05:15 PM
Actually, this is very commonly reported from people who astral project. The noise is probably one of two things.
1) The sound of your body's energy vibrating while you're asleep. Usually this is something you only think you hear, but in reality it's something
you're feeling.
2) The sound of your astral body seperating from your physical body. The noise that people hear seems to vary from person to person when seperating.
Sounds include buzzing, ringing, crackling, popping, static, and the list goes on. Some people say it's similar to the sound you get when you rip
velcro off of something like cotton.
My view is that it's perfectly normal. Happens to lots of people, doesn't hurt anyone, and it's nothing to worry about.
That or there's something terribly wrong with the wiring in your house. Get that checked out; that's a potential fire hazard.