posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 08:33 AM
when the common people, are in control of government and working for thier needs, not the needs of a few rich men who made it big, then we can have
what america is really all about. equility. when all people, can come together and decide on a course of action, democratically, and by people in
their own walk of life, from all races, without any one man being regarded as higher than another, um except for the military, that has to happen, but
in that case keep a volunteer military. then we can have america. not when people turn their backs or act a certain way when a cop walks by, not when
we fear law, for our doing nothing more than living, when our thirst for information is quenched by the truth, not some coverup, then we can be
we can only be free, when we are not bound to law by our corporate masters, and when we can make our own decisions, not be bent to conformity as a
child, when we won't know any better. when we can accept difference and live in unity with it. not silently segregated from one another, when a white
man can drive through a black neighborhood and look out the windows without fear. then we can be equal, and free.