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I had a dream, NWO take over soon

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posted on Jul, 25 2003 @ 11:05 PM
It was a wierd, dream having to do with many elements of things that I have read. My dream started like this the Antichrist had to come to power and the NWO had taken control creating a Military state out of the U.S, at the time I was looking for a job. Satan had rule over the planets that I saw in very close orbit to the earth. It was like the planets could be seen from earth. There was also formations of intersteller man-made planets, which looked like white globes which could be seen in the sky at night. There where count-less globes in the sky like this. It all seemed very errie and weird. At the end of the dream, which I never finished because I wokeup. I had decided that Nasa would be a good place to get a job, there making theses globes.

This dream was also in color.

posted on Jul, 25 2003 @ 11:58 PM
Wow that is a wierd dam dream!

[Edited on 26-7-2003 by Volkswagen]

[Edited on 26-7-2003 by Volkswagen]

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 12:07 AM
I had a strange dream when I was 8 yrs old. I was dreamt that I was in a limo with 2 hot Asian girls and an invisible chauffer. It was all black inside. (That part was strange b/c I didn't even know what the inside of a limo looked like.) Anyway, we were coming down a lush green mountain road, all laughing and gigling. (yeah, I was the MAN). Next thing you know, the door to the driver's side opens up. In the dream, I knew trhe driver jumped out. Then, the two girls jumped out. I was alone and then I saw the limo careening off the side of the mountain.

Then, I saw myself running for my life in these catacombs, going deeper and deeper. I thought I was in hell and I had to force myself awake. I was at the foot of the bed. Never forgot the dream.

Jump up 18 years later and I'm in Honk Kong and I was going on a tour to mainland China. We had to go up a mountain and instinctively I said I knowthis place. I looked around at my surroundings and realized this was the same mountain I had in my dream when I was a kid.

Messed up, huh?

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 11:48 PM
the nwo already has control of most the world lol

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 12:11 PM
the globes/spheres are interesting. ive had a dream where im in a room that looks like a void; when suddenly these HUGE spheres come rolling forth, one after the other. of course im running away, but more of them come in smaller intervals as time progresses and eventually I wake up.

was that dream for real, micah? I ask because the beginning sounds more like the logical outcome or an educated guess of the relationship between the events of now and the plans for the future.

and dont work for NASA. i take it youre just bull#ting, but really, forget NASA dude. their days of keeping space to themselves are numbered

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 03:40 AM
This dream was also in color.

Interesting dream... you mean not everyone dreams in color all the time like I do?

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 06:30 PM
I think dreams are considered by so called "experts" to be way less important than they are actually,I have seen the future several times in dreams,but being conditioned through the media and schooling that they meant nothing,I missed the meaning,.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 07:18 AM
let us see which is the one is the rider of the white horse in our CYBER AGE like what JESUS and KRISHNA tell us before in ancient age so whose gonna win either
the NWO or the WHITE GLOBES will restore the earth in peace

p/s MICAH your dream are the real one believe me,mother shipton saw the same like what you see it now

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