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Was Kennedy's Assasination the 'Grandfather' of all Conspiracies?

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posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 10:27 AM
There are many conspiracy theories today dealing with America and the American government. Roswell, 9/11, NWO, etc.

Is the Kennedy Assasination the cause of all these theories? Is it the one event that caused people to really start questioning the government?

Most conspiracies are in modern times, even Roswell wasn't really a conspiracy until it's rebirth in the 80's. Was the Kennedy assassination what sparked all of this or where there other popular conspiracies before this? What are your thoughts?

Please don't turn this thread into a big flame war between conspiracy believers and non-believers. Simply discuss what you think the first 'big' conspiracy was that caused Americans to begin questioning their government.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 11:03 AM
There have been "Conspricies" since the downfall of the angels. In fact, I believe that would be the first. These "Feeble" angels have had much to do with present "conspiricies. The Kennedy assasination is no exception.

For the latest theories about Kennedy grab a copy of JFK II. It covers the assaination from "A" to "Z". I consider it "Full Disclosure"

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 11:08 AM
Two Thirds of American People think that JFK Assassination was a conspiracy and that the Official Report is a Big Bowl of BS!

And the fact that even Today we have the same story as the Official US Goverment insight on this assassintaion means only one thing - that the Powerful Men that covered up this conspiracy are STILL in Power and are still covering things up.

Just two days ago I watched this really good documentary about JFK Assassinatin Conspiracy - I suggest you go check it out, if you havent already. Here, check this thread by All Seeing Eye - JFK II OMG

Also you can check the Vatican Assassins - there is an interesting Theory behind JFK Murder.

EDIT: Ahhh, mister All Seeing Eye beat me to it for a few minutes! Cheers mate!

[edit on 24/4/05 by Souljah]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 01:50 PM
the JFK might have sparked it a little bit, but when people found out what nixion was doing and the fact that he was atually cought and their was proof and evrything i think that might have been one of the things that made amaricans start to distrust their government

im watching that video all seing eye posted so far its really good

[edit on 24-4-2005 by trust_no_one]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 02:30 PM
You're right. The whole Watergate scandal defeinitely affected American's view of Government.

I'm wondering if there was anything before the Kennedy assasination where the government gave an explanation and a majority of the pulic didn't believe it.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 02:36 PM
Yes there are many examples of early American Conspiracies. Indians throwing tea off british ships for example, or the entire american civil war being over slavery. Lincoln, Garfield, Bay of Pigs, The USS Maine, you name it. Honestly, can you name a period in history when the government of any nation has been forthcomming to it's constituents?

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 02:48 PM
that JFK II video is amazing

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 03:56 PM
ya i just finnished watching the video it was amazing

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 08:24 PM
Back to the topic, does anyone else have any thoughts?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I feel this was 'the big one', the one that broke the ground for all the conspiracies that are flying around today. I think it's the first time that a large percentage of the population didn't believe the government and really started to question them.

I don't consider the Boston Tea Party to be a conspiracy, it was a disguise. The others listed there may have been coverups, sure, but weren't the 'grand conspiracies' of Kennedy, UFOs/aliens, or 9/11.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by PeanutButterJellyTime
There are many conspiracy theories today dealing with America and the American government. Roswell, 9/11, NWO, etc.

Is the Kennedy Assasination the cause of all these theories? Is it the one event that caused people to really start questioning the government?

Most conspiracies are in modern times, even Roswell wasn't really a conspiracy until it's rebirth in the 80's. Was the Kennedy assassination what sparked all of this or where there other popular conspiracies before this? What are your thoughts?

Please don't turn this thread into a big flame war between conspiracy believers and non-believers. Simply discuss what you think the first 'big' conspiracy was that caused Americans to begin questioning their government.

When it comes to the grandfather of modern questioning of the goverment, the prize goes to the Abraham Lincoln assassination. BTW Kennedy was ultimatly killed off for the same reason Lincoln was killed off. Both presidents refused to allow a privatly owned institution to print money to loan to the US goverment and charge intrest on it. Both presidents instead had the US goverment print its own money. The secret societies didn't like it and so both presidents had to go.

List of major conspiricies:

1. Lincoln assassination
1b. Caleb Cushing and Albert Pike starting the Civil War for 2 main reasons which have nothing to do with freeing slaves. One reason is what I mention above about printing money. Both were 33rd degree Freemasons, and met regularly in Paris, pulling the strings of the Civil War.

2. Creation of Federal Reserve
3. WW1 to steer the world towards 1 world goverment. NWO.
4. The illegal Creation of IRS

5. America openly funds the Nazi's. The Nazi's even had a bank in NYC. Nazi's get funded, built up. Later on WW2 starts. Pearl Harbor is a known set up. 'Operation Paperclip' top Nazi's allowed to leave Germany before Allies invade. Allen Dulles works with the Nazi's to create CIA. Nazi's now head, and work, for CIA.

6. The USS Liberty mess. It was the first time the WTC was attempted. But it failed due to too many survivors.

7. Kennedy assassination

7b. Bobby Kennedy assassination.
7c. Martin Luther King assassination.
7d. Malcolm X assassination.
7e. Every major music star's assassination (media claimed they OD'd on drugs LOL!) from 1960's to 1980's ending with John Lennon's assassination.

8. Every major world dictator from 1970's to present, is/was put in place by USA. With help from Britian, France. Including Bin Ladin, Saddam Hussein. USA gave Saddam nuclear plant, and technology. US then funded Israel to bomb the plant! LOL!

9. Jeb Bush works to make sure his brother George becomes prez.
9b. Democrats and Republicans belong to the same secret society. The Skull and Bones society.

10. WTC setup. Marvin Bush, Wirt Walker, 2 direct relatives of Bush do inside job to make sure WTC gets destroyed. They ran security for WTC, United Airlines (the planes that were "hijacked", and for a major airport.) Causes "problem-reaction-solution" scenario. Patriot Act I, II get passed.

11. George W. Bush steals the presidentcy again. In Ohio they use computer touch screens to vote. The programmers later come out and admit they were told to change the programming to make sure Bush won.

12. 20% to 40% of all American food is poisoned. Aspartame aka Nutra-Sweet is a poison. So is Saccharin. So is flouride (a waste product of industry.)

12b. The word "conspiricy" has been dumbed down soo much that it evokes laughter. The word isn't taken seriously anymore. A better new word to replace it is "agenda".

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 02:17 PM
I am lead to think the greatest conspiracy was the creation of man.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 04:26 PM
Surely the great-great-great-great-great-grandaddy of all government conspiracy surrounds the fate of Julias Ceasar?

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 12:00 AM
Great summary there, OpenSecret2012

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