posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 06:08 PM
Well, since some have already hit on some key points, I won't repeat what they said. But, I have a couple of interesting things to add...
Consider the snake. If you're Christian, this animal is especially important. Can any evolution opponent tell me why snakes came from lizards?
That right there kills the "after it's own kind" thing. Yes, snakes once had legs, look at a large constrictor like the python. And before you
say that losing your legs doesn't make sense,
1) Look at cetaceans, the extreme version of water mammals, and pinnipeds like seals and sea lions.
2) Consider that we have legless lizards today (that are not snakes).
Now, I believe in God, but I don't believe in the creation story of the Bible. It has WAY too many holes; this makes me wonder why more people
don't attack the validity of the Bible. And, I don't think that belief in science and religion must be exclusive.
One question I have for the evolution foes; if evolution is wrong (for argument's sake) and religion is right, how do YOU know which religion is
right? That opens up another big can of worms, doesn't it?