posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 05:39 PM
Hi all! This is my story, thinly about ancient civilizations, for the contest.
The Beginning
Infinite emptiness… Infinite consciousness, echoing throughout the vastness of itself… Infinite unity... Infinite balance… Infinite
contention, comprehension, and peace…
A spark! A thought! A bubble! A single thought that questioned itself, questioned its reality, questioned its existence, its unity! And then all
knowledge of unity was lost, conscious separated itself, in denial of perfection, formed a conscious mind, to constantly question its subconscious,
pulling back its light, its thought, and its mental mass, for fear of being too close to what it thought to be itself, too close to what deceived it
And then it separated more, developing likewise thoughts in reaction to the great separation of infinite consciousness. It formed spheres in the
infinity, spheres with tiny imperfections on their surfaces. And then these spheres, seeking a detached unity to fill the damage of its own deception,
made spiral formations into the infinity. And on the surface of those spheres, the unity was further divided, as the mass reacted to the first
negative thought. The conscious formed smaller spheres upon the spheres surfaces, spheres with positive and negative charges. These lone spheres
sought what they believed to be true unity, and banded together in large numbers to form small inanimate and animate objects on the larger spheres
surfaces. These objects sought a deeper unity, subconsciously. These objects took themselves and developed ways to communicate, to organize. They took
inanimate objects and built upon them.
But, the first negative thought was only the beginning, for after developing great organization, they developed great destruction. Self
destructive foods, toxins, and poisons. And they had hate. They warred battles within their singular consciousness, and outside of it. They created
horrible abominations out of matter’s opposite, abominations that would wreak havoc upon their occupied sphere, and, inevitably, themselves. They
destroyed their environment, leaving only a few animates to continue consciousness existence on that sphere. The rest of the animates recreated the
illusion of essential unity, and the civilization rose again, only to fall, for infinite unity is what cannot be accomplished by separation, but by
looking within……
So, wadaya think? good/bad/so-so/not-worth-your-post? I want feed back!!
Edit: Just 'cause I sound stupid doesn't mean I am......And its NOT plagarized!!!!
[edit on 23-4-2005 by Kushi_Master]