posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 03:22 PM
I got nightmares from the Thylacine episode. Those poor Tasmanian Tigers, I remember a book I had on them, makes me so sad they are gone. Then
nightmares about forest companies torching the forests trying to kill me cause I am a Thylacine and if I am proven to exist I would stop the forest
companies from fire bombing the area.
If there was one species I could bring back, the Thylacine would be it. Not Dodo Bird, not Passenger Pigeon, or the Mammoth, some dinosaur, whatever,
the Thylacine would be it. Hopefully with advance in technology we will be able to bring back the Thylacine through the preserved bodies and hair and
stuff left.
BTW You see the video of the "last" Thylacine? That poor thing.