posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 07:40 AM
I did a search before I posted and I did find one post, on the PTS board, but considering the nature of what is happening there, and well, the way
some in our government is messing with our Judicial System well, maybe it also has a place on the ATS board...
Maybe this is the end result of our politicians actions or something??
Ecuador's ousted leader besieged
"The Brazilian government said Thursday it had granted political asylum to Gutierrez, who was elected to Ecuador's presidency in 2002 but toppled
from power Wednesday after a week of violent street protests.
Gutierrez's opponents want him to stand trial in Ecuador on corruption charges. Late last year, Gutierrez replaced Supreme Court judges with his
supporters in an effort to avoid impeachment proceedings for corruption."
There is just too much similarity that I can't ignore it....
what do you think?
"Allegations of corruption against Gutierrez, coupled with his harsh economic reforms that critics say fueled poverty and his strengthening ties with
the United States, especially in terms of military aid, were all factors driving the protests against him."
like, maybe they are playing by the same rulebook as our administration??
[edit on 23-4-2005 by dawnstar]