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Need to interview some one that lived in the 60's

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posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 05:52 PM
Is one year younger than my mother
Mrwupy is my the way what month you were born?

For the rest that were born in the sixties I am glad is many of us, and yes we are still young and can dance all night.

I fill better now than ever.

I had a uncle that die in Vetnam so I was a child also during that time, I think Off_The_Street and AlfredENewman are the best candidates.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 06:07 PM
Dude, Don't you know that anyone who can remember the 60's wasnt there. Far out man. LOL
Ahh, those were good times....

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 07:00 PM
Florida, 1962. School all day then home and roller skating all over the north side of Miami with all my friends..Went home to my leave it to beaver mom and dad type home with my friends in time to watch Dick Clark's American Bandstand...School dances...Outer Limits...Panic in the year Zero,
Puffy hair, Elvis (what a dreamboat) ahhhh....
How sad it is to remember all that
How times change.....

I was the original pink lady

My first and only boyfriend was a sexy hunk i married and May 1 we will have been married 30 years.

How time flies.....

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 08:19 PM
1. Born in 46...Holland still from the war, but I only remember fields and hills of bricks in 49 or so. I remember seeing steel beams tied into tripods on the beaches. Grew into a 3 year old in an ancient city by a river. i knew myself to be named Tonnie, short for Antonie.

2. I remember most the space race, sputnik and the threat of nuclear holocaust. Kennedy, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis...the assasination is etched into my brain. The lunar landings, if it was for real and not a hollywood stunt (lol) sure had my attention then. Then there was hurricane Hazel when I was in rural Ontario was interesting to say the least.

3. I liked to travel...get away by myself or with some friends. Summer camps, fishing trips with my father and a lot of time in Northern Ontario made me into a nature lover. It's all so interesting...

4. 1960- smoky coffee bars with checker cloth tabletops and candles stuck in wine bottles. Beatniks, poets, folk singers...

5. 1961- 14/15 yrs old...highschool, cadets, guns, marching to the unit band...uniforms just like the regulars...putties, web belts, berets and hellish good boots. I was into turtlenecks and cords and lotsa denim.

6. 1962 more military...actually it's all through the next 5 years, so I'll just leave it at that. (Arty) Did a lot of travelling. Mine eyes were opened.

7. '63 I hit the a junior forest ranger I was stationed in the northern reaches of the boreal forest. I wore thick shirts and baggy pants, fished constantly, canoed all over and did my job. It was great!

8. '64 back to education...took a fine arts course because I love Vincent Van Gogh and wanted to paint like him. Other than training, it is just high school for the rest of it. All in all a good year...met some girls and found them interesting for some reason...

9. '65 summer vacation started with a train ride to Calgary with a friend. Saw the Stampede and never drew a sober breath for a week...marvellous! Got a job on a ranch, became a cowboy for 3 months and wore all the jeans that were shiny from riding, a black straw cowboy hat that was frayed and looked like it had molded itself to me head...which it was as the salt stains prove. The Rockies are unreal to me, from eastern Canada and I take to the hills on a motorcycle every weekend. Horses, eagles and a wide wide sky. I did portraits and handed them out. I loved that year.

10. '66 beach bum...sleeping in a car, cottage...wherever, as long as it was free. not a lot to say about it other than the fact I became a very good swimmer that year. good tan...bleached cutoffs and bare feet wherever we went. Dances and parties around a fire, sunsets and sunrise swims. I did sell a few portraits to make do and put gas in my wheels...55 chev.

11. '67 Expo in Montreal with my girlfriend (my wife 3 years later)... It was a magical time for Canadians. Hippiedom was becoming saw it everywhere and the rock music was starting to get something to it.

12. '68 working hard for a railroad...weekends in cottage country where my girlfriend worked...Hendrix, Country Joe and the Fish...hooked

13. '69 school...artists, poets...amazing art scene in London Ontario...the Nihilist Spasm Band, Greg Curnoe and Frenchie serving beer at the York Tavern. Working, working working

and then it was the seventies and here your are...

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 08:23 PM
i wasnt around in the 60's but it was the best era for music, it had elvis, sinatra, the beatles the rolling stones and lots of other great entertainers

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Wow I'm amazed so many people who lived through the 60's are still alive...


Ginger Baker comes to mind.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 08:36 PM
Oh, and as for the 60's

1) Tang.

2) Astronaut energy bars

3) Bond Movies

4) Beatles

5) The nightly news with the latest tally of American dead in Vietam

6) I built a plastic model of the Apollo rocket.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 09:14 PM
That wasnt Tang. It was TANGO

Great stuff. There is nothing wrong with your television set..... There is nothing wrong with your vertical or horizontal,,,,,


posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 09:32 PM
1. Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth
1951, Detroit,

2. What are the main events you remember from the 60’s?
JFK assassination, hippies, Detroit riots, Motown, rock, pot, Woodstock, Vietnam

3. Where in life were you at this time?
grade school/high school

4. What can u remember from fashion/music in the year 60?
5. 61
6. 62
7. 63
8. 64
9. 65
Rolling Stones and the rest of the British Invasion, long straight hair on men and women.

10. 66
11. 67
The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, the Cream

12. 68
Otis Redding, the Temptations

13. 69
The Grande Ballroom in Detroit MI, Toronto being a very cool city, leather fringe vests, mocassins, bell bottoms, halter tops

14. Do you remember the JFK Vs. Nixon Debate on TV?

15.The JFK assassination
yes, I remember the day and what I was doing and where I was. I remember the whole weekend
16. Martin Luther King assassination
yes, I remember not believing they were killing our leaders again

17. What were the impressions of the music scene as compared to toady’s music scene?
Oh, the music was just so great, all of it, the San Francisco sound, I could go on and on. There was lots of talent.
Unlike today, music is stalled out, much less creataive. And, I'm not saying that just because I am old.

18. What were your impressions of the early hippie era?
I was a hippie, more or less.

19. Where you at, or heard a lot about Woodstock?
I was not enough of a hippie to want to camp out even to see so many groups.

20. How big was boxing?
No interet.

21. I have lots of sports questions, but I am hoping that someone could answer some of them.
I remember that the Detroit Tigers won the World Series in 1967.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 12:36 AM
Born in '62, but my music memories are strong (maybe that was a sign I would be a musician?)

Ed Sullivan show big time - all the big names were on.
fave tunes - Monster Mash, Crimson and Clover, Good Vibrations, other Beach Boys songs, tons of Beatles songs, Chewy, Chewy, To Sir,With Love, on and on.......
Groups like Mamas & Papas, The Association, Jefferson Airplane, The Turtles, Sonny & Cher, The Box Tops, on and on.......

Grew up with The Mickey Mouse Club, Gumby and Pokey!!

Didn't really understand what the hippie culture meant at the time as a kid, but Vancouver where I lived was like a San Francisco North. Smelled pot for the first time, saw all sorts of hippies on acid trips in Stanley Park. All sorts of head shops (drug paraphernalia like bongs) along Denman & Davie Streets by the beach & park. Be-ins & Love-ins at the park, where all the hippies would gather, smoke pot, drop acid and play & listen to music.

Flower power and peace signs on store fronts and VW buses, tie-dye clothes everywhere - it was like in the song San Francisco by Scott McKenzie!!

In Canada, we weren't in the Vietnam War, so lots of Americans that dodged the draft were here and many were a part of the hippie scene.....

For sports here it was all hockey - Montreal and Toronto were the favorite teams for anyone in Canada!!

[edit on 24-4-2005 by turbonium]

[edit on 24-4-2005 by turbonium]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 03:15 AM
I would realy like to thank all of you for your support, i forgot how nice these fourms were, Sunday and Monday i would like to have a long interview, via phone of AIM, and so i can write it all down.

I am looking for people that were in thier teens in the 60's. Ill u2u all of you that i want to interview tommorow.

Sry i wanst able to get to this much today, i am a NFL Draft FANATIC, and was gluded to the TV all 11 hours of the first 3 rounds, and will e guled for about 8 hours tom,morow.

But after that its back to school work.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 03:44 AM
I was alive around 660 B.C. My name was Elot.

Does that help?

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Wow I'm amazed so many people who lived through the 60's are still alive...


Ha! I am reminded of the phrase: " If you remember the 60's, you weren't really there!"

1. ( I will u2u my name) June 29, 1952, a small town in north Georgia.

2. Many of my 'main events' were connected with family and with aunts and uncles, Christmas with gatherings of my Mother's large family, school plays, school sports events, Church events, getting my drivers license, going to the prom ...things like that were a large part of our lives in a small rural town.

On a larger, world scale I recall there was much discussion of Kennedy's election. Then there was the Cuban missle crisis- that led to 'duck and cover' drills at school, and a huge movement of troops through our area.....Hwy 41, the 'Florida corridor' thru GA was a constant stream of army convoys. Then came JFK's assination...I was in the 6th grade...we stayed home from school and watched the funeral on TV- in black and white.
In the latter part of the 60's, the war in Vietnam was constantly in the news.
Also got to watch the moon landing live at an 'all night open house' deal arranged by a nearby college.

3. I lived in a small, rural town. I was in elementary school at the start of the 60's, and graduated from high school in 1970. My parents worked in cotton/carpet industry....they were the first generation off of the farm.

4-13. My memories of fashion and music are not so easy to recall in a year by year order: In the early 60's I watched Dick Clark on b&w TV and wore bobby socks and saddle shoes. I remember the older guys(16-17) wearing Elvis's hair style and 'peg leg' blue jeans.
I missed the Beatles the night they were on the Ed Sulivan show ( a Sunday night...I was at church ) and every one was talking about it at school the next day!

I watched Hullabaloo, wore the go-go boots ( the mini skirts were still a no-no at my house, till the later 60's, when I started rolling the waist band up after I got to!). Then there was also the wildly flowered bell bottoms!

I listened to WLS ( rock n roll radio station ) out of Chicago at night while doing my home work. I also loved the Monkees, and Paul Revere and the Raiders!

14. The debate itself I do not recall seeing.

15. One of the other teachers came into our room and whispered something to our teacher. She turned her back to us and began to cry. When she had composed herself, she turned to us and announced that the president had been shot. We sat in stunned silence.

16. When Dr. King was killed, there were concernes that there would be riots, but there were none locally. His family was from Atlanta, and as I recall the city as a whole responed with respect and great sadness, but no violence.

17. It seemed to be more light spirited....more about peace and love (? with some protest thrown in..remember "Alice's Restaurant" and Country Joe and the Fish?) Not so dark and hard....there seemed to be more of a back yard band feel to some of the groups, not so much of a corporate driven business feel that seems to be there now...or maybe not....

18. Most ideas we had about hippies came from the news.... they were protesters, draft dodgers that wouldn't work and smoked weed all day ( so they said). I sympathized with their war protests, as well as some of their 'radical' politics, but I was surrounded by 'establishment types'. On a class trip to Atlanta, several of us bought copies of the "Great Speckled Bird" ( a news paper then published by the Atlanta hippie community). After we got back on the bus, I saw that the Principal was confiscating the other I quickly sat on my copy, so that as he passed my seat, I could spread my empty, newspaperless hands to show him I did not have one.

19. Was not there, and did not really take notice till later. I had gone to college for a pre-graduation "enrichment" program and had my nose buried in books for most of that time.

20. It was pretty big. Ali was still Cassius Clay....much to do went on about his name change and his refusal to go into the military. I was no boxing fan but I knew who he was and that he had beaten Sonny Liston for the title.

21. I'm not too much on sports...but I did watch the first Superbowl...Greenbay won. Atlanta got the Milwakee Braves....they were not so hot back then. I watched Northern Dancer set the Derby record of 2 minutes flat in '64...(it may have been broken since then).

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