India and Pakistan are at the closest point to normal relations as they have ever been. A couple years ago, your question might have been
legitimate, right now though, the prospect for a lasting peace with the occasional extremist nut causing trouble is very viable for the next few
The US has also offered to provide military equipment India. Stockpiling weapons is nothing new for these countries, they and others have been doing
this for years, updating and upgrading their military (sort of like keeping up with the Jones) but it doesn't mean a war between the two is imminent
or any closer than it was in previous years.
Both countries cannot risk war lest their economies suffer along with mounting casualties and civil unrest that can god unheeded for years on end; and
we have seen this during independence in 1947 when both sides wared over triviality and dogmatism.
I agree Pakistan/India relations look good now. I think it'd take an Islamic revolution sweeping radical mullahs into power in Pakistan to bring on a
nuclear war between the two nations now.
Well exporting Islamic revolution has been Iran's official policy for a few decades so I would not discount any "religious interfence" by Iran in
Pakistans domestic affairs, esspecially considering Iran's recently renewed efforts to influence Iraq's political scene.