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UFO's, Military Bases and Nuclear devices

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posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 05:25 AM
Do UFO's have the capability to stop nukes and knock 'em dead??? Well here's an interesting article that doesn't quite add up.

Extract from
Captain Robert Salas: USAF SAC Missile Launch Officer [1964-1971]:
"The UFO incident happened on the morning of March 16,
1967... on duty at Oscar Flight as part of the 490th strategic
missile squad and there are five launch control facilities
assigned to that particular squadron... and I received a call
from my topside security guard...and he said that he and some of
the guards had been observing some strange lights flying around
the site around the launch control facility. I said, you mean
UFO? He said, well, he didn't know what they were but they were
lights and were flying around. They were not airplanes; They
were not helicopters. They weren't making any noise... [A little
later] our missiles started shutting down one by one. By
shutting down, I mean they went into a "no-go" condition meaning
they could not be launched. These weapons were Minuteman One
missiles and were of course nuclear-tipped warhead
missiles...this incident was of extreme concern to SAC
headquarters because they couldn't explain it."

Could we really have visits by other Intelligent lifeforms. Look at the thousands of reports from military personel, scientists, guards, Air staff etc. etc. can you really say these are all nuts??? "They" seem to like our nukes, do you think maybe just maybe we are using the nuclear power wrongly and the UFO's are trying to tell us???

Now I am a believer in UFO's but have never seen one for myself so I still remain skeptical about some sightings but the storie above really, really freaks me out, If ufo's are taking out Powerful WMD's making them incapable of launching WHY???

Is it because "they" know nuclear power is very dangerous and are saying stop using nukes you will kill yourselves, you know a bit like an adult saying don't play with fire it will burn but the kid plays with it anyway and gets burnt.


Are they disabling our most powerful weapons for a complete invasion of Earth (Highly unlikely but feasible). I would highly doubt they want to attack earth as we would have been attacked a long time ago.

It still asks the question as to why and if and how they actually did disable nukes???

Does anyone else have anything else about this subject???

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
Is it because "they" know nuclear power is very dangerous and are saying stop using nukes you will kill yourselves, you know a bit like an adult saying don't play with fire it will burn but the kid plays with it anyway and gets burnt.

Eh? We know its dangerous too. They are about 50 years too late if they wanted to stop the kids from playing with fire...

Not to mention the theory is a bit flawed. They arent doing anything about starvation, wars or other disasters. Millions upon millions have died in just the last 100 years, millions die every year. No one has tried stopped it. If aliens really DO care about the nukes, they dont give a damn about us, only our planet.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 05:56 AM
I wouldn't doubt that there is some connection between UFOs and Earths development of nuclear technology.

Although there have been plenty of claims prior to the mid 1940's, most sightings seem to have occured post Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a large number of which can be associated with military bases.

Another theory would be that human kind are close to discovering a technology that would be considered a major milestone in our development, ie fusion generators or electromagnetic propulsion.

This major milestone maybe the key to first contact being established and the dawning of a new age.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 06:40 AM

Eh? We know its dangerous too. They are about 50 years too late if they wanted to stop the kids from playing with fire...

Actually this happened in the 60's and 70's so they wouldn't be too late in fact they were right on time to stop a global nuclear war. Not to mention this happened all over the world, especially in nuclear areas.

Not to mention the theory is a bit flawed. They arent doing anything about starvation, wars or other disasters. Millions upon millions have died in just the last 100 years, millions die every year. No one has tried stopped it. If aliens really DO care about the nukes, they dont give a damn about us, only our planet.

You cannot save everyone. Millions upon millions cannot be saved unless we as a people are prepared to do something about it like tell the banks of the world to cancel 3rd world debt, this is not an ET issue. We can do this ourselves we don't because we are ignorant. Simple as that. IT's ALL ABOUT MONEY until monetary systems are removed it doesn't matter what anyone says nothing will happen because too many people are worried about the paper chase (Accept the rich).

You make a good point merka but still we have a problem if they wanted earth they would have taken it long ago when we had less humans to fight and more resources so now your theory is flawed. That is unless they want to harvest us (In this case we have HUGE problem)!!!!

Now in the 60's & 70's we had nukes in missile silos ready and waiting to be launched (maybe still do)???? Now I don't want to sound like a Raelian (which I'm not) but if you created all the life on this planet and watched the most intelligent species create the most dangerous weapon EVER then wouldn't you want to interact with them and show them this is wrong and should not be used. What better way to say this than to remove the capability of lauching the weapon(s), who knows what would have happened if the weapons had stayed on-line.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 07:15 AM
There are tons of reports of UFO's disabling nukes. I believe they did it by using an EMP weapon of some kind. I think in one of the reports they said all the electronics were fried and had to be replaced. Now the nukes are sheilded better against EMP, but still vunerable.

You can see more reports at the Nuclear Connection Program (NICAP). Including one report of a UFO caught on film disabling a test warhead inflight, The Big Sur Filming.

It was the invention of nuclear weapons that I believe is the reason for the "modern UFO wave" because UFO's became even more interested in us. I think they disabled them just to see if they could. They were testing us. I don't think they were trying to send a message. If they were, it didn't work. But I think this also fueled the reasons to coverup the existance, because at the time we had no defense against them.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 08:36 AM

There are tons of reports of UFO's disabling nukes. I believe they did it by using an EMP weapon of some kind. I think in one of the reports they said all the electronics were fried and had to be replaced. Now the nukes are sheilded better against EMP, but still vunerable.

Ditto that.

It's the same issue that causes car lights to die, radios to go crazy, etc. in many of the abduction/sighting cases. Most researchers believe that the crafts utilize some method of propogating an electromagnetic wave to counter gravity.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
You cannot save everyone. Millions upon millions cannot be saved unless we as a people are prepared to do something about it like tell the banks of the world to cancel 3rd world debt, this is not an ET issue. We can do this ourselves we don't because we are ignorant. Simple as that. IT's ALL ABOUT MONEY until monetary systems are removed it doesn't matter what anyone says nothing will happen because too many people are worried about the paper chase (Accept the rich).

You make a good point merka but still we have a problem if they wanted earth they would have taken it long ago when we had less humans to fight and more resources so now your theory is flawed. That is unless they want to harvest us (In this case we have HUGE problem)!!!!

My point wasnt that they wanted the earth, just that they obviously dont care about us (thus the only thing left is the earth). We cannot save everyone, true. But aliens wanting to give a "helping hand" could probably for example solve world hunger pretty easily by giving us technology.

Same with giving us better power supplies and better artificial materials so we dont bleed the earth dry, which then again make me think they dont care about the world either.

I think they are just being bastards

(unless they are cousins to ants or some stupid reason like that. Got to protect those ants)

[edit on 21-4-2005 by merka]

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 04:11 PM
Erm perhaps they were just warning the governments not to even think about using them or they will stop them - i think horishima and nagasaki were allowed by the aliens because we have to see and learn for oursleves the damage we can create - they will not let us wipe everyone otu simple as that. NIce to know that thay care - and with this gives me reason to belive contact will be made soon seing as we are ruining the planet pretty rapildly they will have to do something or we die.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 07:36 PM
Maybe the have some type of SETI program that looked for small emissions of radiation, something too small to be a nova or other naturally-ocurring blast. I'm sure in our future a blast like this would be detectable over great distances. It would be a great way to find advanced civilizations too. I'm sure every civilization will discover nuclear power at some point. This way they can weed out all the lesser civilizations and focus on the more advanced ones. Maybe Hiroshima and Nagasaki drew them too us.

Of couse this doesn't explain the UFO cave paintings, or bibical UFO's, or the UFO's in the paintings of the middle ages, but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 04:30 AM

Eyewitnesses say that they saw an UFO hovering above the exploded reactor - some people saw a spaceship hovering above the fourth generating unit of the Chernobyl plant. Eyewitnesses say that an UFO was there for six hours and that hundreds of people saw it. - Chernobyl disaster 1986

If you read the whole article it goes on to say "It seems that aliens are not worried with the fate of humanity. They are basically worried about the planets environment."

It is most interesting to see that a UFO helped out at chernobyl and quite frankly if they didn't we wouldn't have half of europe left as it would have been wiped out by the 180 ton nuclear reactor that could have blown if the UFO hadn't intervened.

Does anyone have any photos of this "Suposed" ufo above the fourth reactor at chernobyl????

I still remain a little skeptical until I see (like everyone) proof!

Oh and apparantly another UFO arrived at the chernobyl plant three years later in 1989, could all of this be just a myth I'm talking about the whole UFO phenomenom could it just be a wind up that has lasted 50+ years????

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