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PALES-TINE, PALES-ADES and the Australian Aboriginal "Lightning Man"

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posted on Jan, 11 2025 @ 08:25 AM
Over the last week or so, I had some interesting experiences and conversations that I though worth sharing

Much of this thread deals with inexplicable real life phenomena and experiences that probably belong more in the Metaphysics section. But I have posted it in Dreams and Predictions, due to a particular "message" given to me through such about the link between PALESTINE and PALESADES which I will detail at the end of these original posts

Admins, please move this thread if you believe it to be in the wrong section

First, I need to give context on the nature of these phenomena and experiences

I live in a place called Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Which for many years was considered to be one of the lightning capitals of the world

We get more lightning strikes here in a few hours of one storm, than most places will see in an entire year

Christmas day 2018, there were reportedly over 91,000 lightning strikes recorded in Darwin City alone


From the link above:


Lightning is a phenomenon that has long been observed by the Bininj Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land, who believe that Namarrgon is the creation ancestor responsible for dramatic weather.

"The Indigenous Australians tens of thousands of years ago have observed, 'well jeez, there's a lot of lightning here', and they've named a spirit after him," Dr Franklin said.

Namarrgon uses axes attached to his head, elbows and feet to split the dark clouds and make lightning and thunder as he travels across the region.

"We can see his figure in the caves where the elders painted, up in the rocks," said Simon Bardari from Gunbalanya.

"When we see this big storm coming, when we see the bright lights, that's when he's using his power to make lightning and thunder; we know that we're scared, we're scared from the lightning."

Mr Bardari said Namarrgon left traces of himself in the landscape in the form of rocky outcrops.

"When the rain moves away and the lightning moves with the rain, we know the story from the elders: don't you ever run when you see the bright lights from the lightning, keep walking, keep walking," he said.


For anyone wondering, no, that footage has not been slowed down

And the storm in the video above is actually fairly tame, compared to some I have experienced over the years

We also have plenty of orbs, UAP/UFO, as I have mentioned on here many times

Something which I have had plenty of experience with over the last 12 years, as detailed in a thread I posted on here a week or so ago about communicating with these orbs (and whatever "entities" are behind them) and going through a process called initiation


I have touched on these lightning storms and the "intelligence" attached to them before. But I have never gone into them in great detail

I have only mentioned that parts of the initiation process I have been through, involve a conscious intelligence that comes with the orbs upon the storms, connected to thunder and lightning

Storms which are unnatural

I am in the process of writing a thread which details the correlations between the 1st dimension of Sinai Initiation, and the 1st stage (degree) of Ancient Egyptian Initation written of within the Crata Repoa

Which also elaborates on processes which seem to have been over-simplified, or presented without any context

I hope to be posting this sometime soon

But for the purpose of this thread, I will simply say that it seems to me from my own experiences, that parts of the Crata Repoa have been slightly misunderstood. Or have been mistranslated from the original accounts they were taken from

And that specifics of my own initiation process, seem nearly identical to what is described within the Crata Repoa

Particularly (relevant to this thread) the part where they detail an attempt to frighten and intimidate 1st degree initiates using "artificial” storms, thunder and lightning

I think by “artificial”, the original accounts written of in this book actually meant “unnatural”. As with the storms, thunder and lightning I experienced within my own initiation

I say “unnatural” because these clouds are very real, but they can move impossibly against the flow of the jet stream and wind. To an extent where they seem to be intelligently controlled

The wind will be blowing hard at my back, bending trees, pushing every cloud in the sky forwards from behind my head. But a massive dark cloud will move in towards me against the wind, to stop and sit directly over my head

Where it will stay, sitting completely still in the middle of a tropical monsoonal storm, while the rest of the sky is moving

Sometimes I will see the outline of a face pushing out through these types of clouds, as if it is looking down at me

Once, I even saw fingertips pushing outwards, dragging through the cloud, like something was trying to claw it's way out

These were physical, waking experiences. With real clouds, in the real sky

Hence “unnatural”, not “artificial”

Like with my experiences communicating with the orbs, I eventually came to be able to hear a voice within the lightning of these types of storm clouds

What I mean by this, is that while I am focused on the storm, watching the lightning, I feel a strange type of static electrical "pulse" in my brain, that is exactly aligned with the lightning …

One that projects some type of conscious voice

I see the lightning strike … at precisely the exact same moment I feel a strange electromagnetic "pulse" in my brain … at precisely the same moment I hear a mans voice speaking to me in perfect sync with the lightning

Speaking to me by name

It seems to me, to be a phenomena something similar to the static electricity from a lightning strike lighting up my TV's LCD screen bright white, even though the TV is switched off

There is enough static in the air, to make my screen go white for a second and light up the entire room

In much the same way, I feel this same type of static “pulse” within my brain

And if I concentrate on it, or fix my eyes on the lightning watching the storm, I can hear a voice speaking over the pulse of the lightning

I have timed this voice. Thinking that it were possibly a process of my reactionary mind. Reacting to the lightning and promoting false auditory hallucinations a split second after I see the lightning

But it seems to me like I hear the voice as quickly as I see the lightning. Near instantaneous. Or at least, faster than I can judge to be completely “reactionary”

It is a strange one for me to rationalise, because part of it feels as though it is using my mind in order to be able to “speak”

But at the same time, it feels as though what is being said is originating from something outside of my mind

As such it seems to me, that there is something originating from within the electrical surges themselves

Something similar to the discharging of electricity between synapses in the brain

posted on Jan, 11 2025 @ 08:25 AM
Recently, I have considered that this could possibly be something similar to the concept taught to us within initiation

That your physical body is your “INTERNAL BODY”
And the world around you is you “EXTERNAL BODY”

Perhaps I am supposed to learn to align my internal conscious mind, with this external consciousness

I am still trying to work it out

Within the first dimension of Illumination, we are given very specific understanding of the structure of our electromagnetic body, within how it relates to the planet and people around us

What is referred to as “elemental source

Through this (with the assistance of the orbs) we are able to focus our mind and intent in such a way that we can learn to actively interfere, control and steer elemental patterns, such as the flow of clouds in the sky

I have gone into more detail than I probably should have about this, on this forum in the past

We are taught to keep these kinds of things to ourselves, because those who have no basis for understanding, do not usually react kindly to such things being publicly shared (what many traditions refer to as "the profane")

As such, I am only sharing the very basics needed for context within this thread

Within the first stage (degree) of the Crata Repoa they describe and initiate being “dressed” with a cone around the head, tasselled collar and xylon apron

These things they “dress” you with, are actually a working understanding of the structure of the electromagnetic fields surrounding your body

Which allows you to experience and understand the fundamentals of self as elemental source (as within the first dimension, stage or degree)

We quickly learn things such as, folding a harmless and unassuming cloud in half, backwards on itself, causes friction which translates into instant and violent lightning out of nowhere

The purpose of allowing us to experiment, experience and understand such things, is to teach us that, though these things are possible, they should never be done

And likewise through such, should we also guard the gates of men

The first time I experienced the phenomena of “the lightning man” speaking, was about this time. Somewhere around 2012

I will not go into details of our conversations

Other than to say it was very unfriendly towards me and very angry. So I was very unfriendly and angry back

It did not seem to like me at all. Possibly something to do with me messing with the elements

It screamed at me, making some things very clear … And I screamed back at it, making some things very clear

Our interactions for many years, were a little hostile

But in recent years, our interactions have became far less volatile and angry

To the point where I am now happy to see it, and would say that we are friends

I tell it that I love it, and it tells me that it loves me

Now, to the purpose of this thread …

posted on Jan, 11 2025 @ 08:26 AM
Within the last week, I have had some very strange experiences which I thought were worthwhile documenting and sharing

Things that align directly with what is currently happening in California

Firstly, I had a very semi-lucid dream, where the entire coastline of Darwin beyond my house, was gone

Not only was it gone. It looked as though it had been gone for a very long time

There were no houses, buildings, or even trees, beyond the street my house sat on. There was just beautiful open grass plains, stretching off to the beach and ocean

More strangely than this, whole sections of the coastline were gone. As if they had sunk into the ocean

I was confused for a moment, because the road I was seeking to drive down, around my home, was gone

I looked around confused, not knowing where to go

On the grass in front of my house, where a road used to be, I saw a young American couple and their children sitting happily on the grass

I said to them “There used to be a road here. How do I get down?”

They regarded me for a second, but then ignored me and happily kept playing with their children

So I responded, “Don't worry, I'll just drive over the top”

After which I drove up onto the grass and went around them

At which point I woke up. Feeling significantly freaked out at the just how real the realm (biblical "great lake") in this dream was

“When does this happen?” I asked my unseen 'friends', “When is the Darwin coastline going to look like that?”

“In around 400 years”, they answered

A few days later, I went outside at night to stand in the tropical rain. One of my favourite simple joys in this world

While I was showering, I ended up having an unusually serious conversation with my lightning friend, as well as a couple of other unseen orb “friends”

A conversation about what they "can" and "cannot" do in this world

And what they need to be "authorised" to do within this world, by someone physically born of this world

There seems to be some types of agreements, as to how and where they are able to intervene. And to what extent

For the most part, they are meant to be no more than teachers. With very little direct interaction, beyond teaching people physically born of this world what they can do for the greater good

It is a conversation which I have had with them countless times over the years. But this one in particular, seemed more serious than normal

The reason being that there appears to be very particular blockages within this world, which threaten to prevent the promotion of the next "cycle" in this world

A big problem within this, is that it is somewhat impossible for someone like myself to see the hidden dynamics of things which are happening in this world, in order to make an effective decision on what they believe should be done about it

How can someone like myself possibly answer on the fate of things I cannot properly see or know?

Especially when there are systems and orders of men who intentionally promote false timelines and perception in this world. Making it impossible to know what is real, even when it is happening to you

So within this particular conversation, I gave very specific permission to whatever it is behind the lighting ...

I told them, that if they see me as having the authority to do so, I give them permission to enter this world by whatever means necessary, and do whatever is necessary to remove the blockages. I told the to find the root of the problem and deal with it in whatever way is necessary, to protect the future cycles of this world

There seemed to be some concern within me telling them this, regarding agreements which may have been made in the past with people physically born of this world. Or possibly with those such as the Church

I told them, if I have the authority to permit them to do so, they should ignore any and all previous agreements, with any and all people. Including any and all orders and religions

There is no point having agreements designed to protect us, if those agreements will end this world

I told them to come in, destroy whatever they need destroy, and kill whoever they need kill

As long as it done to ensure the future of this world


A day or so later, California started burning

At first I paid little attention to this, as fires in a place like California were fairly common

Later in the day, it became clear that these fires were fairly serious

Watching the news, I heard the voice of one my unseen “friends” in the back of my head, point out a very blatant alignment to me, within what was happening …


I asked if the fires in California are because of what was happening in Palestine, and they answered a definitive “YES!

They said "It is not so funny when it is happening to you"

I tried for a moment to see into possible direct correlation between American (or more specifically California) and what is happening in Palestine, but I was told that the alignment between them is not an obvious one, that is is easy to work out

They is a very direct correlation between the two. But it is one that is being very carefully concealed

They likened what was happening in California to a “parasite cleanse

I walked outside and looked into the sky, and saw a massive towering cloud in the sky, in the shape of a man standing with his arms outstretched, somewhat like Christ the redeemer in Rio, but much, much larger

In his palm of his right hand, he held a turtle, and sitting just above this on the same arm, was a large owl

In front of his mouth, was a massive dark cloud, that I was immediately told represented the same type of fiery orange orbs I speak to

"Fire?" I asked, and they answered "Yes"

And past this, in front of his face, was a stream of wispy clouds stretching right out across half the sky in front of him, drawn in exactly the same way as we would draw someone “blowing” air out of their mouth

It looked like the gusts of wind being blown from his mouth, were carrying flames across half the sky. With the clouds glowing in the light of the setting sun, behind him

A man depicted blowing winds filled with fire

At which point I was told, "They are burning California"

In later conversations, I found out that California is supposed to be the first of "3 fire on American soil"

Fires that are supposed to be some type of warning

Exactly what this warning is about and who it is for, I cannot say for certain

Other than to say that it appears to be connected to what is happening in Palestine …

So I would assume, that it is a warning to those behind what is happening

Whatever the case is, I felt it was worth documenting on here

So that if there does end up being 3 fires on American soil, all will be related

posted on Jan, 11 2025 @ 09:19 AM
A vision from 25th October 2020

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