Or..... 'they've' realised stiffling free speech actually works against 'them'.....as in data collecting on what people really think about politics
and every day life, and voices who send out warnings: I'm specifically thinking scientists who spoke out about the scamdemic and the ensuing
jibbyjabs. Neither did it bring about the 'peasants revolts' they expected.
But let people rip their voices and opinions when so many across many western countries are discruntled, to put it mildly as can be seen from recent
election results across the board and what can be expected in upcoming elections and you have the perfect recipe to divide and conquer and turn people
against each other.
I'm all for freedom of speech by the way, but with it comes responsibility.
I see this move as a good thing, but with very sinister undertones. Buyer beware.
He and They are scared into submission that they will be indicted for 1st Amendment Violations coerced by government agencies (possibly for fees).
😄 They were all oh-so emboldened too (at the time) weren't they.
I think the only reason the likes of Zuckerberg and Bezos are sucking up to Trump is to void being in his crosshairs. As soon as the Maga coast is
clear they'll be up to their old tricks again.
Politicians are supposed to be servants of the people but somewhere along the line they switched places.
originally posted by: lilzazz
We all know who actually controls social media and they are powerful enough that they don't need to constantly brag about it.
What are you talking about. Elon Musk isn’t shy about bragging.
Maybe it is just because people were leaving their sites in droves because of the censorship.
Lets face it, you have a few loudmouths out there, trying to tell everyone what they should be doing/not doing.
Then you have the "quiet" rest of the world out there, that actually cares about freedoms. They are going to go where they can read the truth.
Or at least read everything and make up their own minds.