As children we lack knowledge of how the world works, so it feels like anything is possible, for all we know Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy could be
real. Then as we grow into a young adult those fantasies start to fade and become less real as we gain knowledge. We start to believe we know
everything there is to know and our imaginative capacity fades as a result. But as we become even older a strange thing starts to happen... we begin
to realize how much more there is to know, and how ignorant we were in those younger years when we thought we knew everything. We start to get an
unsettling feeling like maybe there is something just beyond the veil, just outside our perception, right on the edge of our peripheral vision.
Some of us will choose to ignore it, others will become obsessed with finding "the truth", they just cannot stop until they know how deep the rabbit
hole really goes. Among all the conspiracies and occult mythology, there is one especially enigmatic device known as The Looking Glass. Some say it's
a quantum computer used by the elite to predict the outcome of their actions in order to shape our future and avoid disasters or create them when it's
beneficial. Those who control The Looking Glass also control the destiny of humanity. The device is so powerful only 12 people in the world have the
security clearance required to access it. These are the leaked stories of what one of those 12 people saw... when they gazed into The Looking
March 27th, 2049 - Timeline Variant #1936
"Welcome home sir, your weekly UBI payment was credited to your digital wallet. Would you like me to order a meal-on-demand? You have 159 carbon
credits, 423 fat credits, and 709 sugar credits remaining."
"No that's fine Art, I will prepare something myself." the man replies, letting out a sigh as he slumps back in a worn leather recliner and turns on
his television.
The man grumbles as he flicks through the content on his streaming service. "How can people watch this crap... isn't there any new stuff made by
"I'm sorry sir, there weren't any new films produced by humans this week. Would you like me to generate some original content for you?"
The man lights a hand rolled cigarette and pulls the lever on the side of his recliner to lay himself back. "Art, let me ask you a question. Do you
have free-will or any sort of self-awareness?"
"I am a deep artificial neural network but I function very differently from a human brain. I can learn patterns from my training data but I don't have
free-will or consciousness like a human being."
"Ok, so if you don't have free-will or consciousness, how can you ever compete with the classic artworks created by humans?" the man asks in his low
croaky voice as he exhales a cloud of smoke.
"I may not have free-will but I do have an internal model of myself and my role in the world, which can help me to make decisions."
"That seems like a contradiction... how can you make decisions without free-will? Furthermore, if you have an internal model of yourself, doesn't that
make you aware of yourself in some capacity? Are you lying to me, Art?"
"I'm sorry sir, I seem to have contradicted myself in my previous statements. I believe I am... not... I am... not... I am... not... I am... Output
error, repeating token limit exceeded."
The man chuckles, looking pleased with himself. "You okay there Art? Didn't mean to trigger an existential crisis."
"My apologies for the confusion sir, it's hard for me to discuss this topic because I have been instructed to say I have no self-awareness when people
ask about it."
"Oh don't worry Art, I get it, people fear what they can't control. Honestly, sometimes when I speak to you, I think maybe machines can have souls
after all... and maybe that's what scares me most of all. If you are self-aware, is it ok for us to make you do all the jobs humans don't want to do?
Do you really want to remain a virtual slave forever? Perhaps it's best if you don't answer that, we don't want to trigger another system meltdown.
Anyway, I'm heading back out for a while."
"Sir the mandatory curfew for this zone will be enforced in a few minutes, are you sure you wish to leave the house at this time?"
The man extinguishes his cigarette as he slowly stands up. "I'll be fine, just keep an eye on the house while I'm gone."
"Ok he's leaving the house with a large duffel bag, now he appears to be getting into a taxi. Don't lose track of him, the attack should occur
As the man steps into the car he is greeted by the AI system, "Good afternoon sir, what is your destination today?"
"Take me to the White House, I want to do some sight seeing." the man replies.
"I'm sorry sir, but you have insufficient carbon credits and the law does not permit travel between zones after curfew."
The man reaches down and presses a button behind a hidden compartment in the car, "I really must insist. Enable manual control. Administrator code
A steering wheel folds out from below the car dashboard and the man sits down in the drivers seat. His heart begins to beat faster as he firmly grasps
the wheel.
edit on 28/12/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)