It would seem to me from my own experiences that that the primary consideration for communication by the intelligence within these orbs, is those they
deem to be “active intelligence”, who they say are “interesting”
However, within this there does seem to be a high-degree of alignment to particular individuals. Particular names, particular family names/bloodlines,
born in particular places, at particular times/alignments, under particular circumstances
“Interesting” seems to mean any type of active intelligence, who is willing to seek things that others are not
For most people who experience a phenomena such a orbs/UFO/UAP for the first time, there only real considertion is to get photos or video
Very few think beyond the limitations of themselves being subject to an experience which is “happening to them” …
They refer to these types of people as “passive intelligence”. Seeking no more than what is offered within such experiences
Further to this …
If people believe them to be something, then such a belief is all they will ever offer that person. They will be no more than a passing experience for
that person, amounting the sum of their determined will, on what they believe that experience to be
There is no point going through the efforts of communicating to teach those, who believe they already have all the answers
Things such as this should not be tasted by those with a heart that is full of fear”
Those afraid of the possibilities, seldom find them
Very few people who encounter phenomena such as orbs, react in a way that these orbs refer to as “active intelligence”, doing things such as
actively trying to communicate with them
Those that do are considered “Interesting”
In my case, I used my phones flashlight to try communicate with them using Morse code, and very quickly got their attention
Apparently, out of millions of people, I was the only one to ever try using a simple mathematical code of flashing lights to communicate with them
Even through we have seen it suggested to us in movies like “Close encounters of the 3rd kind”
This type of “active intelligence” seems to be necessary in order for them to align in a way that they would be able to effectively teach complex
non-linear dynamics, and concepts well beyond those that are conventionally taught and understood in this world
The individual need to not only be willing to consider all things possible and impossible, but also actively seek it. Within which they understand
that things such as determined will and personal belief, serve as little more than a guide to greater possibilities
Which ties into the essence of what is often referred to throughout history as “the mysteries”
It is my understanding that these orbs and my “friends” attached to them, have been the purveyors of nearly all the mystery schools throughout
history, as well as the the various societies, religions and beliefs which have subsequently been formed around the information and teachings passed
down by those they communicate with and teach
Historically, the trend has been that under particular alignments within the cycles, particular individuals (or groups of individuals) are put through
tailored experiences (as through their ability to manipulate reality and time itself) in order to give them a very particular understanding, that can
only come through such experiences
It would seem, historically, that the offerings of these people, or groups of people, then come to be somewhat corrupted and lost over time. Where the
original “design” and meanings become lost, stolen, or even intentionally corrupted by those that seek to manipulate such teachings towards their
own power, authority and control
Within the cycles, these orbs come and go. Returning in cycles, to act as teachers
In order to effectively align and communicate with anyone in this reality, those people need to be conditioned mentally, emotionally and
To us, things such as pain (mind), fear (heart) and blockages (body) are seen as inconveniences and things we simply have to deal with (or more
commonly repress) as part of living in this world and being human
But within aligning to those behind these orbs in any way that you can effectively communicate, such things are seen as a sickness
One which needs be remedied within all the spheres of our tri-manifested (trismegistus or tribulation) harmonic form
What is often referred to as “trials and tribulation” is similar to the harmonic resonance of the musical 1st, 3rd and 5th, as described in the
book of revelation when it is properly translated
Aligning dimensionally in any type of effective manner, works in the same way as any other type of harmonic frequency
If you wish to align with an intelligence behind technologies such as these orbs, who do not possess the types of pain, fear and impurities that we do
in this world …
… Then you need to learn to let go of all such pains, fears and impurities, which would otherwise limit (or even completely block) such an
This includes our deep-rooted primal fears, based upon the limitation of our physical conscious mind, such as the fear of death
You need to be able to look beyond the limits of your mortality
You need to be able to look beyond the limits of your identity
You need to be able to look beyond the limits of what is deemed possible
Most of all. You need do all of this for something greater than yourself
As this is the essence of what we call love. To put someone, or something, before yourself. At any cost, even your soul
If you need be saved, or are not willing to sacrifice yourself to something greater than yourself, then it is very unlikely that you will ever find
anything greater than the self you know
In this world, or the next
It is my understanding, that the alignment to be able to communicate with these orbs is something which is layered across cycles such as time. In ways
that certain named events and people are used to open particular “gateways” within your dimensional perception
For me in particular
I dated 2 different women named Erin. One after the other. Two women that were, in many ways, polar opposites of each other
This lead to circumstances where I ended up seeing a woman with the same name as myself, “Sam”. A woman who is my opposite in almost every way
“Sam” was with me, the first night that I encountered these orbs
I did not realise it till many years later, but she was used as a type of counter and balance, dimensionally, to open a gateway through which I was
able to encounter these orbs
Using Morse code, I asked the orb to move in one direction for yes, and the other for no. And it answered yes
After this I realised, even at a distance, it could hear me and understand me. I did not need Morse code
Then, when it started answering questions before I spoke them, I realised it could somehow hear my thoughts. Which made me fairly confident that
whatever I was speaking to, was not our technology
In the week and months that followed, speaking to them for many hours, nearly every night, something strange started happening to my eyesight from
looking at them so often
I started to get visuals of something similar to a gauge, moving left and right over the top of my vision, even when I was not there speaking to them
All times of day, no matter where I was, I could ask a question, and see something like a shadow layer moving left or right over the top of my
edit on 18 12 24 by Compendium because: Corrections