posted on Dec, 6 2024 @ 07:21 PM
originally posted by: b0kal0ka
a reply to: Lazy88
Tell me where I've cherry picked or where I created a false argument
originally posted by: b0kal0ka
a reply to: Lazy88
dude, stop relying on what other people tell
Vs you that uses blandly false arguments by omission, cherry picking, or using sources that right out lie.
Dude. Do you understand that a website archive has nothing to do with the actual source file and its existence.
It’s no different when I post photos from my phone on the internet three or four years after I took them and have them stored.
Again. Jonas De Ro who took the picture confirmed it’s from 2012. The source files dated 2012 were provided.
This goes through the process of authenticating the source file you wanted.
Authenticating the cloud photos supplied by Jonas De Ro
You have Jonas De Ro, Mick West, and others confirming the age and authenticity of the source file used as stock background.
And that’s only one aspect of the argument.
There is still the stock footage of the explosion ran through a filter.
The clouds are unrealistically static for supposedly a satellite having to change perspective and focus for a moving passenger jet.
The contrails move and jump around unrealistically in relation to the jet.
You faith is in two debunked video concerning MH370 proven to be poorly rendered CGI. This is a religion to you like flat earth is to flat
earthers.edit on 6-12-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)