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NIH Chief Confesses COVID Initiatives Were "Completely Made Up " OMG Investigates

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posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 10:41 AM
James O'Keefe with more undercover confessions - bragging? Making it up? Or more likely just confirmation of what most of us knew all along.

"I haven't gotten the latest COVID shots, and I'm not going to… there's mixed evidence about if it really does anything," says Raja Cholan, Chief of the Health Data Standards Branch at the U.S. National Library of Medicine for The National Institutes of Health.

Cholan, who defines the strategy for health data standards at the NIH, raised concerns about vaccine risks, particularly for younger individuals: "For people that are 30 or under, it really increases your risk for heart conditions. The data does show that... I’m close enough to 30 to where I don’t want to have a heart attack." He added, "I probably shouldn’t be saying this out loud," acknowledging the sensitivity of his statements around vaccine safety.

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 11:12 AM
If he would have said any of that in 2001, he would have been cancelled and branded a dangerous disinformation spreader.

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 11:12 AM
At this point in time only people who have an overly trusting nature believe there's such a thing as 'vaccine safety'.

There is more than enough public research data to prove RFK Jr. knows whaat he's talking about, but blind loyality to Big Pharma and ignorance on the subject allows the money machine to keep rolling out profits as it destroys lives.

I'm glad they're having such a hard time sweeping the mRNA 'vaccine' damage under the rug. I'm also so very concerned at how many people are jumping on the Ozympic 'weight loss' drug, now being touted as showning promise for preventing dementia, cancer, effects of aging, etc. like it's the cure-all of the century.

Does nobody remember Thalidomide? Ranitadine? Fen-Phen? Vioxx?

Pharmacutical companies are getting richer, all the while knowing full well it's the 9,000+ chemicals in our food chain (that are banned in other countries because of their proven toxicity) that is causing the majority of health issues.

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: underpass61
Good work by James Okeefe again.
Its not just heart problems that the shots caused though,although they have been responsible for many exess deaths.
They also cause huge cancer increases.
Ever heard of Proffesor Angus Dalgleish?
he's a top oncologist from St Georges UNiversity in London who has been saying this for a long time-but mostly hidden by the MSM,although he did slip through the censorship filter and get to speak on sky new Australia about the horrors,video here-

Anyone still think we are not experiencing a mass depopulation event waged by the globalists/international socialists?
And its almost time for the big event-remember the Deagel 2025 poulation forecast?

Mass vaccine daeth may only make up a portion of those numbers-so what will make up the rest?
Nuclear war?
Geo engineered AMOC/gulf stream collapse?
Children of Men style fertility collapse due to chemicals in the food?
All of the above?

If we get to 2026 without any of that happening-someone remind me of this post and I shall apologise profusely.
As it stands today,I would say its 50/50 if we even have an electric grid by then.
Happy days huh?

edit on 28-11-2024 by onestonemonkey because: sp

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 11:39 AM
Besides the obvious vaccine issues he speaks about, he spills the beans of how they deflect FOIA requests by intentionally misspelling key words in the documents so they don't come up in the search. That's MASSIVE 🤬

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: underpass61

At the :30 mark:
"I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear".

These criminals should be in prison, along with Fauci.

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: underpass61
They used evvery trick in the book for the covid vax/lockdown scam didn't they?
It was like a military op against civilians.

edit on 28-11-2024 by onestonemonkey because: sp

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
James O'Keefe with more undercover confessions - bragging? Making it up? Or more likely just confirmation of what most of us knew all along.

"I haven't gotten the latest COVID shots, and I'm not going to… there's mixed evidence about if it really does anything," says Raja Cholan, Chief of the Health Data Standards Branch at the U.S. National Library of Medicine for The National Institutes of Health.

Cholan, who defines the strategy for health data standards at the NIH, raised concerns about vaccine risks, particularly for younger individuals: "For people that are 30 or under, it really increases your risk for heart conditions. The data does show that... I’m close enough to 30 to where I don’t want to have a heart attack." He added, "I probably shouldn’t be saying this out loud," acknowledging the sensitivity of his statements around vaccine safety.

Oh let me guess… He was just trying to ‘impress’ a date?

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: underpass61

They had to devise anti viral methods on the spot, they had to adapt centuries of contagion technology for the modern century. That doesn't mean they fabricated it, it means they had to innovate and much of innovation resembles fabrication. "Made up" implies there wasn't cumulative decades of certified expertise involved. Most members here don't boast the credentials to appreciate the incredible legwork required to collaborate and engineer a nationwide response to the pandemic so it doesn't become a full scale population decimating plague. Again I'm not defending but rationalizing a terribly challenging scenario that teeters between hundreds dead and millions dead.

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm
I'm quoting the guy in the video. Being an NIH official he would know. His guard was down the he said it - take that as you will.

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: underpass61

They had to devise anti viral methods on the spot, they had to adapt centuries of contagion technology for the modern century. That doesn't mean they fabricated it, it means they had to innovate and much of innovation resembles fabrication. "Made up" implies there wasn't cumulative decades of certified expertise involved. Most members here don't boast the credentials to appreciate the incredible legwork required to collaborate and engineer a nationwide response to the pandemic so it doesn't become a full scale population decimating plague. Again I'm not defending but rationalizing a terribly challenging scenario that teeters between hundreds dead and millions dead.

I agree that there is an incredible amount of work that goes into organizing a response to a crisis of this magnitude,
but there was compelling evidence from the get-go that a nefarious agenda was being carried out.

Within 2-3 weeks, it devolved from governments serving and protecting the populace, to controlling them. Look at how many politicians ordered their constituents to "shelter in place" while they were seen going out to dinner, visiting hair salons, etc. Then the censorship began. People who simply asked questions were labeled 'dangerous'.

Even Senator Rand Paul said he wouldn't blame people for never trusting the govt again.

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Incredible legwork?

Hey Pfizer, we want to mandate and force a vaccine for the common cold on the WORLD.
It doesn’t really have to work and we are open to several boosters. BOOM, legwork done.

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: underpass61

Strange times.

We get scumbags, talking about scumbags, talking about scumbags.

Not a single one of them is trustworthy.

All peddling BS just to keep the paychecks rolling in.

I hope y'all can tell who the new Alternative-Mainstream-Media players, are, and see through their false agendas.
(PS : They're not on our side. )

"We'd like to thank our friends at The Wellness Company, that have been with OMG since day one."
( They used to call it Advertainement, just more corporate born and sponsored reporting. Not journalism. )

Amazing Polly did a great exposé of the turds at "The Wellness Company", and she has felt the heat...

Bitchute : Amazing Polly TWC Red Flags

Also : Substack : Kristin Elizabeth : The Wellness Company :
Altruistic alternative healthcare empire, or intelligence operation?

edit on 28/28/2024 by KnowItAllKnowNothin because: fixed spelling and added second link

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: KnowItAllKnowNothin
O'Keefe May need sponsors in order to continue his work, nothing says I have to buy anything from them. That's what the fast forward button is for.

I can't speak for others who might buy anything that's put in front of their face, it's a free market after all.

posted on Nov, 28 2024 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: underpass61

Even the "good" ones have their hands outstretched these days.

I question the whole : he wants to put-on a show, then went looking for sponsors idea, versus ;
what stooge can we hire to front our limited-hangout.

I don't know which it is, but I don't suggest that we blindly take all of these "journalists" at face value, especially when their sponsors are front and center.

( I edited my previous post to add a second link. )

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