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Redux of alien abduction account which shocked me to my core in childhood..

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posted on Oct, 31 2024 @ 04:16 AM

Following the interesting documentary on Netflix that was released this morning, 'The Manhattan Alien Abduction', I realised that quite possibly I haven't actually shared my own direct experience of alien abduction, so I'm going to remedy that travesty right now..

When I was seven years old - yes, SEVEN years old - I had a terrifying abduction experience that I will never forget. We lived in Manchester, England at the time, in a fairly middle class suburb - my Dad was a dentist, so we managed quite well, even though he had married/ divorced a couple of times & therefore didn't have a second income stream for the family. It was just him, myself & my brother, who was a couple of years younger than me. We went to a private secondary school, though we weren't rich; several members of the family had clubbed together to provide this opportunity for us, so we were very fortunate indeed (though I didn't fully recognise or appreciate it at the time, for a number of reasons..)

In the middle of the night (very early morning, somewhere between midnight & 3am, I suddenly found myself out of bed, pinned down somehow to a large metallic chair, almost exactly like a dentist's chair (irony of my Dad's profession). Although there were no straps holding me down, I was totally paralysed. I couldn't move a muscle, not even my eyes would move around, as they often do during sleep paralysis episodes, for example. Only my heart & lungs seemed to be working; goodness only knows how they managed to do that. But there I was, held in place by some mysterious paralysing force, and I couldn't see very well - everyone in the large room around me seemed blurred, as though I was seeing them through cloudy water, just the shapes & some hints of colour & approximate features occasionally. The faces would never be recognisable due to the blurring effect - again, what caused that? I presume post-hypnotic suggestion, which could potentially have also caused the 'force' pinning me in place despite no use of restraints, and seemingly no drugs (though exotic paralytic agents could have been involved I suppose). There were around five men in white coats, and behind them were something like the same number again whom I suppose now to have been the supervisors; all seemed taller, or at least more imposing somehow.

I had been awakened by pain - severe pain - in my left arm, just above the elbow on the outer edge of the area just below where my tricep muscle is located. My arm had been somehow surgically opened (though there has never been a large scar in that area), and my radial nerve was exposed to the atmosphere. What appeared to be an actuator/ drill of some sort seemed to be manipulating the nerve fibres, causing hideous, excruciating pain. With the benefit of hindsight & an understanding of modern technology, I realised that this actuator/drill type device was actually '3D printing' living nerve cells, creating a bridge of living nerve tissue which was 'plugged into' my radial nerve, thus forming a conduit of live nerve tissue that exited the surface of the skin on my arm, leaving a tiny little pimple of what looks to be like shiny scar tissue, but which is actually living nerve tissue. The purpose of this, I later deduced, was to create a mechanism by which I could be rapidly & extremely covertly forced to dissociate my consciousness into 'alter states' &/or enter a post-hypnotic condition triggered in fear & submission to the hypnotising agent. They would merely need to scratch at the pimple with a short fingernail, or even to simply put pressure through a short fingernail directly onto the pimple, and this would cause repeated bolts of severe neuropathic pain that would almost certainly have combined with the memory of the additional experiential trauma of the abduction (more on that in a moment) sufficient to cause me to dissociate & enter a post-hypnotic state in which I would be susceptible to their 'programming/ subliminal control' efforts.

The additional trauma of the incident involved the threat (& possible actual experience) of having a very fine needle pierce the centre of my right eyeball, to deposit something like nanotechnology into the rear of the eyeball, on the retina, which would thereafter act as a tiny camera/ sensor, clearly it would seem to have been super-advanced 'alien' technology back in 1989 when this was unfolding. As the needle was slowly lowered towards my unblinking, immobilised eyeball, the terror & panic built to a crescendo & suddenly, I simply blacked out. My brain decided to shut down my consciousness to avoid dealing with the horrible escalating trauma of the incident.

After that, I awoke in my bed at home, terrified & breathing heavily, though I didn't cry out. Within a moment, my Dad entered my room (not in his pajamas despite the early hour, he was still dressed for the outdoors) & asked in whispered tones if I was okay - he seemed sincerely concerned & compassionate, which he rarely if ever did in ANY other circumstances during that time of our lives. He gave some assurances that I should settle back down & go to sleep again, which I did, exhausted by the emotional devastation of the incident & having no idea what to think of it.

So in essence this was an incident of severe torture of a seven year old boy, perpetrated by humans, possibly under the authority of 'non human intelligences', or military commanders at least, making this appear to be a pre-authorised MILAB experience, agreed to by the overt national government, an agreement with the hidden powers that control the Earth. The technology for trauma-based mind control, the living nerve tissue conductive bridge exiting the surface of the skin, is deeply insidious. There could be no other reason for this technology to be applied to one of the major nerves of the body - and in particular THAT specific nerve in that manner, except for the obviously nefarious reasons of taking a child by the arm & causing them to dissociate, even in public, where nobody would realise what was happening unless they were 'read-in' to the situation in advance..

The Devil is on the loose, "prowling about like a roaring lion, seeking those whom he may devour.." I was held bound by these sorts of occult shenanigans from a very young age for a number of reasons, up to and including real physical torture in one of (supposedly) the most advanced nations on Earth. Can it legitimately be said that our government is a good thing in this fallen world at the present time? Thanks for reading, please feel free to ask any questions, I've had a bunch of additional strange experiences & spiritual dreams over the years (I'm now 42 years old) which cumulatively all seem to add up to a very particular narrative with certain clear meanings associated with them, which I will be happy to share if asked..

Kind Regards,


edit on OctoberThursday24110CDT04America/Chicago-050020 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2024 @ 05:47 AM
An interesting account, FlyInTheOintment.

What particularly caught my attention was this:

. . . my Dad was a dentist . . .

. . . pinned down somehow to a large metallic chair, almost exactly like a dentist's chair (irony of my Dad's profession).

I had been awakened by pain - severe pain - in my left arm, just above the elbow on the outer edge of the area just below where my tricep muscle is located. My arm had been somehow surgically opened (though there has never been a large scar in that area), and my radial nerve was exposed to the atmosphere. What appeared to be an actuator/ drill of some sort seemed to be manipulating the nerve fibres, causing hideous, excruciating pain.

With the benefit of hindsight & an understanding of modern technology, I realised that this actuator/drill type device was actually '3D printing' living nerve cells, . . .

I have often read here on ATS, that public technology is some forty years or so behind what is still secret.

Your experience was thirty five years ago.

So logically, one might expect to see organic 3D printing of body parts around 2030 or so.

That people can do this sort of thing to kids is reprehensible.

NullusSpecialis AKA NobodySpecial268
edit on 31-10-2024 by NullusSpecialis because: typo

posted on Oct, 31 2024 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I found it interesting that you were only seven years old and placed in a chair similar to your dad's dentistry chair. Also, the individuals were blurred and all wore white coats.

Abductions do happen, of course, and get rendered in many versions by the experiencers. That is the first, highly detailed case of a youngster that I've ever encountered.

posted on Oct, 31 2024 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: NullusSpecialis

Thanks for your post, indeed it was brutal & disgusting that these human scientists were willing to simply torture a seven year old child in order to progress towards their occult goals, their intentions in either a scientific or magical practice that serves to promote evil agendas of one sort or another. I can understand the 'Machine Elves' trying to torture humans, as they have no soul or conscience, they are simply biological robots. I can understand demons wanting to destroy the innocence & well-being of young children - but humans choosing to torture children for any reason is despicable. Wow, it was horrendous stuff.

Interestingly I had another experience at the age of 17 years old, after I had become homeless due to falling out with my Dad, and so I attended the local council offices to see if I could sort out some accommodation for the night. Indeed there existed a scheme in place whereby local families would offer their spare room in a charitable endeavour short-term, to support young people who have been made homeless for whatever reason, who have been assessed to be decent people essentially, so they won't burglarise the property when everyone is sleeping, etc. But when I turned up to stay with the family who offered their spare room to me, it quickly became apparent that I was in for a surreal night of weird horror, in which I was totally baffled & unable to draw firm conclusions about what exactly was going on.

When we were seated at the dining table eating our meal, the daughter of this middle-aged couple (who was aged around ten years old) suddenly said:; "I remember when Mummy killed Daddy... She used a big knife to stab him in the tummy". The parents reacted in a nonchalant, deadpan manner, their eyes glazed over with manic internal glee at the perplexity they were casting against me. I ignored her weird little comment & tried to simply get on with the meal, moving away from weird topics of conversation.

But later that night, after the girl had gone to bed, they said that their friend, the 'gay plumber' was coming round to visit with them & have a cup of tea. This seemed a very weird introduction to the prospect of a friend calling round for a cup of tea, but being polite I stayed downstairs & awaited the guest with them. He then arrived, and looking back, I know for an absolute certainty that I was hypnotised in a flash, in one of those rapid inductions that you sometimes see on TV. He sat in a single dining chair in the middle of the living room, apparently facing me for what seemed like perhaps around an hour, though I don't remember hearing his voice - he was obviously an accomplished professional hypnotist.. I have no idea what was discussed or done to me, and in fact when I looked at this guest's face, all I could see was a literal black hole, a dark oval shadow where there should have been the fleshy features & eyes typical of any human being. He had erased his face from my awareness so quickly that I didn't know what hit me.

I suspect that they carried out an occult ceremony against me, my overall assessment was that they seemed to be Satanic abusers of some sort. So that was that, I stayed only for one night as a place opened up in the hostel nearby where I could stay more long-term (that was a barrel of Satanic abusers as well, the whole area was infested with demonic shenanigans...)

edit on OctoberThursday24110CDT09America/Chicago-050032 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2024 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

Indeed, I think I was placed in that chair to foster subconscious mistrust of my Dad, who for a very long time was quite a selfish & intolerant guy, making things difficult for me emotionally as a child. I was scared of his temper & when his car arrived on the driveway there was always a moment of panic to determine if anything was out of place that would cause him to get riled up. So yeah, chair was almost certainly stagecraft designed to damage my relationship with him. Eventually we reconciled, after I turned 21 & joined a church, and got married. He saw that I had turned my life around, and he was pleased to be on good terms with me finally as adults. The appearance of men in white coats was perhaps also stagecraft to make me think they were doctors, perhaps fostering a sense of mistrust against the government/ authority figures in general. But they were certainly all about medical tasks, even though those tasks were evil.

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